OC & Modding Post your Intel Core 2 Duo overclocks here

Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Above 1.5 surely :p.

1.6 Set in BIOS is my guess?

With the P5B Dlx's vDroop, that gives your about 1.52V :p
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Here is welcoming myself to the 3G club :D

E6300 @ 400x7 1:1

Asus P5B vanilla

Samsung DDR2 533 @ 2.1V 5-5-5-15 :ashamed:

Vcore in bios set to 1.35, actual vcore using DMM is 1.295 lol and Vdimm in bios is set to 2.1 and actual is 2.02 :(

I wish this board had more vdimm options :(

now will run superpi and go to study, exams soo suck :'(
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Chaos said:
Don't tell me thats the highest u can go :p.

Guess so, 10 Mhz or so more i think on the RAM, this aint to cellshock dude, poor ppl's 533 RAM :p

maybe if this board could feed more volts into it, it would go higher, but then 860 for a 533 rated RAM is not bad and that too at 2V :p
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Hmm, my new 24x7 clocks for the moment

1.21 Vcore measured with a DMM :D, and RAM fed 2v

will work on it more after tomorrow's exam, till then will let it rip :p

any comments?

and any idea as to what chips this samsung has :S it just says samsung lol, need to google with the excat chip markings now....
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Running some tests on my chip and board... first, I wanted to figure out how much this chip can clock under stock volts - result: 3.24GHz.

I'll share other tests as I go along... :)
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

That's load temps running super pi... it idles at 48/50. Can't expect much more from the stock cooler... lapping could help but I'd rather wait for the Swiftech to arrive.

Also, not to forget this is TAT... CoreTemp shows lower temps - try TAT yourself and it will show you slightly higher temps :)
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Trying to settle at this 24x7 speed. I dont want to heat my motherboard unnecessarily by having to feed the northbridge > 1.45V to have 399 x 9. Hence I guess, I can compensate with 120Mhz extra CPU clock speed.

Temps are bad as this is my first mount with the Tuniq. I am so glad I purchased the SuperLanBoy when I did.

The tuniq fits in nicely with over 5cm left to spare. I guess this will fit in R600 just fine + the biggest air cooler possible :) The perfect lan party companion.


Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

You plan to move around that Cabby with the Tuniq installed ??? :S

God Save the poor P5B -Dlx, you servedd karan well....:bye2: