OC & Modding Post your Intel Core 2 Duo overclocks here

Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Well Funky, I have not tried 1.6V as I am really worried dat I may kill da chip with 1.6V on AIR.

@RIO, thanks mate! Hope it helps in skeweezing a lil more out of this or next setup :)
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here


Took it haste with my L7.

Cam was in Moms room, which was locked.

Orthos started, then crashed. Quite sad really.

RAM crapping out badly.

I think the chip has potential.. Lets see..

Waiting for my 2GBHZ to push more now. Cant risk these Corsairs which are Elpida/D9 god alone knows.
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Aditya said:

Took it haste with my L7.

Cam was in Moms room, which was locked.

Orthos started, then crashed. Quite sad really.

RAM crapping out badly.
I think the chip has potential.. Lets see..

Waiting for my 2GBHZ to push more now. Cant risk these Corsairs which are Elpida/D9 god alone knows.

Pic is good enuf.

I suggest you stop now. Get the 2gbhz then run 1:1 @ x8 multi. Will give better performance with the 965 chipset. Then 500x8 will be target for you.
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

RiO said:
If it didn't post, you didn't hit 4ghz :D

Eh mate?

POST is Power On Self Test.

The screen above SHOWS that it is POSTING :p

IT crashes in Windows (cuz of hugely stressed RAM mostly)

So indeed, he did reach 4G :D
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Karan said:
Eh mate?

POST is Power On Self Test.

The screen above SHOWS that it is POSTING :p

IT crashes in Windows (cuz of hugely stressed RAM mostly)

So indeed, he did reach 4G :D

Dividers aint working ? or loose timings may be ?
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Harshal said:
Errrr if so, I did that last week then :)

:tongue: too bad u didnt post anything about it :p

j/k j/k


on a serious note.... since almost all of you have chips (mostly) from the same wafer.... try and find out a pattern.

ad1's case is diffused since he has some gay ram to deal with. relaxing to 6-6-6-18 is not helping either (even @ 350 Mhz) so he has to wait for his new sticks to be able to put the blame on something particular.

as harshal and funky have told me, they are getting limited by the chip. it is crapping out @ anything near or above 4G. maybe the chip is at its limit and you will need to push massive amounts of vcore just to make it stable @ that speed, which in my opinion is NOT worth it.

ofcourse with better cooling, you would gain speed at same voltage. (40C for 400Mhz seems to be the thumb rule)

so your chips are very good. X6800 have trouble hitting 4G just like that. and if you observe properly, 90% of them are on chilled water/phase/extremely low ambient temps.

so rest assured, you all got GOLDEN chips :D
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Reading horrendous overclocking results of E6600s on XS, i must say we are lucky. Many many peeps having trouble getting it stable over 3.3-3.4.

Weird thing is only 26th week ocing result on XS for E6600 is mine :p
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Same thing here... But still... I havent yet pumped in 1.55 volts to teh chip... Right now i am trying to solve the X1900XT issues... Somebody help me on that front...

@ Edit LOL....Saw the screenshot just now... Guys, I can boot into windows @ 4G but its not Super Pi stable... Also RAM is 1:1 @ 5 5 5 15... Hmmm... Lets see if relaxed timings do the trick...
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

I dont get you guys...... What seems so obvious to me, you are ignoring completely....

Either you are all total noobs or I am missing something....

HAS to be the latter :p(you cant all be noobs now can you...... Noobs are people like me asking stupid questions like this one :p ) ..... Why dont you use RAM dividers if you feel that RAM is the culprit ??
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

^^ Thats cos Dividers dont work that well with 965 or even 975,mostly a BIOS issue IMHO.
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

P965 no divider lower than 1:1 works.

On D975XBX you can use DDR400 divider. Most other 975 based boards have issue with that too.
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Well.....after almost 2 long days I figured out my new C2D setup....I am a noob

This was the max I could go with my Transcend DDR2 667 Mhz RAM.Its seriously RAM limited as the chip seems to be capable of much higher speeds.

VDimm- 2.1V

VCore- 1.30V

Other voltages left to AUTO

EIST & C1E Disabled.

A lesser than 1:1 divider would have been very useful ...but seems that no P965 mobo has that till now :(
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

you shouldnt have bought that RAM in such a hurry....Funky said he was ready to help you out......

Now, see you are paying the price for your impatience :p !!

Anyway nice setup !!! Congrats !!

EDIT: When you said RAM limited, I took it literally :p and posted before looking at screenie :p ..... that RAM is quite decent !!! Dont worry abt it !!

And is 3.3ghz stable ?? Is RAM stable at that speed ??

What is the MAX stable speed for the RAM ?? and what are the latencies ??
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

The ram is memtest stable only at arnd 450MHz(DDR2 900) with timings of 5-5-5-15. Till now sticking with 2.1V...will try up bumping the VDimm a bit to see what happens....anyway the RAM is quite ok...I didn't even expect it to do anything above 800.

The Corsair value also anyway would have problem doing above 900 I guess.....and yes I am very impatient...decided to go C2D only on Wednesday & got all stuffs by Friday evening.