Post your overclocks !

mine first venice OC .....

now understand y venice rocks when OCing comes
just tried OCing this proccy ..... this is mine cousin's comp i build that PC its A8N-E ..... i did only 10 mins of prime coz temps were going in the wrong side of 55*c(it was on stock kooler in a crappy case with very little airflow) ..... also the mobo was using 20 pin connector without any 24 pin convertor coz its not available here .....


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anishcool said:
Whoa ! Awesome dude ! What temps ? Which mobo BTW cause no info on the proccy is mentioned...

mobo is A8N-E as mentioned in mine post ..... temps were worrying me so i didn't pushed it more than that ..... i know it can do more but it was on stock kooler with a crappy case with little air flow ....... proccy is 3000+ venice with 0517 EPAW stepping ....
Excellent OC there Anarchy, care to list the entire config ? i mean mobo,ram,timings,voltages,temps...blah blah... ?

cos thats really an awesome OC.

But still isnt 40 Secs in Super Pi a bit low ???

Who cares, after all its a
The mb is a P4P800 Se
The Ram Is Trancend Which is Running at 200mhz at timings
The Cpu is running at 1.56 volts at 41c cooled by thermaltake
The Ram being the biggest bottleneck otherwise could have gone higher
anishcool said:
Vdimm = 5.6 !!! Please correct me if I'm wrong, isn't 5.6v CRAZY ???
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Read properly dude!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I think its a typo in his post. Bcoz 5.6 is simply not possible for vdimm and vcore on any of the current platform and no mobo supports such high voltages. I think he meant 1.6v vcore.
anarchy said:
The Ram Is Trancend Which is Running at 200mhz at timings
It is running at 5.6 volts at 41c cooled by thermaltake
@ Nikhil - Either something is wrong with me, or with Anarchy or with you.
I actually saw the screenie... did not see what he had posted..... Read it only now... did not even see his post.... only the screenie....