Post your overclocks !

Darklord said:
Well Quad, from my experience,i can say that 510-1 is the best BIOS i have ever seen,atleast on my board.Did excellent with D43,UTT etc.etc.

Thanks a lot Darky , wanted to know that.

Also Bottle 2.963 Ghz is gr8 on winne on Air.
DFI is pure luck and your system when it comes to perfect bios for you.
For me 510 has been the worst bios. I mean the least stable on both D43 and twinmos so far.
The best has been 310p.
^^ pretty much same here. but then again i havent tested my board with many different BIOS.

Many congratulations bro.. me wondering what u wud touch with LN.. :devil:
i have just assembled one system for mine cousin ...... it was A8N-E with venice 3000+(0524 EPAW) ...... he was trying to get the intel 64 bit processor but i managed to get him a AMD ...... anyways the thing i want to tell is

i tried OCing that proccy and it did 300x9(stock Vcore) easily ..... i didn't chked it with stability .... but it booted into windows and was running perfectly for 30 mins ..... actually i didn't have any software with me that time to chk the stability... temps was around 44*c idle

i want to know if anyone has the same stepping and how well it is in OCing ....
Lol, Funky isn't that the same Venice Quad is buying ? That must be quite battered by now ;)

Darky posts are getting increasingly humourous in this thread :rofl: ! :P !
Here are some current achievements,


Suicide Shot :P

Nothing great as such but still it was fun overclocking on the Epox Board.Atleast i achieved better results with the same stepping than DFI :D
Quad Master said:
Gr8 Stuff Funky & Darky.
And its gonna be party time for me with Funkies Venice for me too.

Thanks a lot Funky
Ahem ...cough...cough.... i Hope it survives its pristine glory by the (party)time it reaches ur hands ....:O :no:

j/k ....;)