Post your overclocks !

Bah, i curse myself getting a Pentium D.

I hearby proclaim, i will never, EVER buy a Pentium Proccy again. Unlessssss the new Conroes are better than the next gen. AMD's (heh, slim chance)
here is mine first OC with venice ... seems nice...

i think i got a nice venice and no doubt it can touch 3Ghz but needs a DFI ..... as in mine SLI Premium max Vcore i can give is 1.55v way to low ....

anyways best thing about this processor is it needs very little voltage to OC ..... i can touch 2.7Ghz with stock voltages ..... max i have done is 325x9 ...... but forgot to take screenshot ...... anyways this is max for now

currently playing with mine GTX ..... don't have time to OC CPU ..... :) anyways willl try to touch 3ghz :d
i just wanted to get 400HTT. Thats all. And about post at 4AM. I am not well. My nose is blocked so couldnt sleep properly. What else to do? Overclock :P
Didnt i cross 400 HTT long ago ? it was 420 to be precise :bleh: am just chill ;)

Anyways great going Funky..way to go.
yeah darky I know you did 400HTT long time ago, but as it gives almost no practical advantage i never tried it. Thats the only thing left to do with the DFi. So thought lets give it a try :P
Killed my first CPU.

Tried chilled whater experiment on 0525 week venice. Took it to 3.2Ghz. Was trying to test the superpi and it went off.

It was on 1.8 vcore so i was not surprised. The disappointment is i was not able to take even screeies. It dies soo quickly....

And no it was not bcoz of condensation, it was well protected by foam. I was giving it a trial run and it died.

Oh well. Another CPU is gona go under the knief as soon as i get it. Next time i will keep video recording while doing the ocing :D