This is awesome, Te to the rescue but really ridiculous from Primeabgbs side. Reminds me of the usual twitter thing where unless you troll, shame and badmouth you are unheard!UPDATE: After I linked this thread in my mail to last night, THINGS MOVED PRETTY QUICKLY. I got a call from PrimeABGB and they said they are arranging for a pickup.
Thank you everyone who responded!Will report back once I get the replacement.
Really shameful surely will lose customers if you are reading this me being one of your prime 20yr old customer!
Have heard very weird stories on amazon that drive wasnt packed properly but some lame packing and then doa hassles etc.And this is why we should buy from Amazon as much as we can. Their 10 day replacement policy is God sent. Even if they charge a slight premium over these sites. Also, in Bangalore, SP road is a much better option. Use primeabgb only if you are in Mumbai, itdepot only if you are in Chennai, mdcomputers if you are in Kolkata etc.
Always buy esp. hdds from primeabgb, itdepot, mdcomputers etc. only if you reside in that city or in nearby city within few hrs of drive so you can get hold of their nonsense biz when required..