Problem with a PS3 purchased from Imtiaz786

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I am holding on to your word on that. You need to pay 17000 INR with 50% of the return shipping at actual. You are not required to transfer him not even an extra rupee that he is not entitled to.
Sir you said he is suffering loss and its was my fault so making amends since for me paying 18k or 17.5k is same thing and since it was my fault so no need for him to pay anything ok...And for such a small amount of 15-20k dont want be remembered as bad guy as mistakes happen but accepting and making amends how many do so its ok yaar let him decide...

Appreciate your gesture.

But I request you to wait till the buyer @prakhargr8 gr8 post the screen shots and videos here. Also his account details. Also please do not make unnecessary hurdles for anyone by paying more. It's just making me uncomfortable to even read. I am sure @prakhargr8 only wants the money he lost back. He is not here to make money. If you want to pay him more, its on you. Nobody else.

@imtiaz786 and @other members

Please refrain from making anymore posts in this thread and wait for @prakhargr8 to reply. Lets not deviate from the topic.

Please post some pictures to fasten the process. and make sure you send him the account details as soon as everything is uploaded/posted/send.


Please transfer the amount of 17000INR and 50% of shipping amount as soon you can after getting the account details. Please share the screen shot of the same with the buyer.

@prakhargr8 & @imtiaz786

I request you both not to engage in unwanted conversations and bickering. What happened, happened. Please fulfill your promises to each other and end this issue amicably.

@other members

Again, I request others not to post any questions or concerns until the solutions are fulfilled by both parties. Any questions you have, please shoot them towards the staff folks via PM.
They will address it as soon as they can.
Added photos below. Not sure why you cannot view the video since it was set to Public.

Regardless, I've changed it to Hidden and then back to Public to force a refresh. Tested in a clean Incognito window and it's accessible. Could you try watching and confirm?

IMG_20140924_084450.jpeg IMG_20140924_084214.jpeg IMG_20140924_084437.jpeg IMG_20140924_084258.jpeg IMG_20140924_084252.jpeg

PS. Inboxing you my bank details as soon as I reach office.
Added photos below. Not sure why you cannot view the video since it was set to Public.

Regardless, I've changed it to Hidden and then back to Public to force a refresh. Tested in a clean Incognito window and it's accessible. Could you try watching and confirm?

View attachment 45972 View attachment 45973 View attachment 45974 View attachment 45976 View attachment 45977

PS. Inboxing you my bank details as soon as I reach office.
Ok give your bank details in whatsapp ok and sorry for all ok as it was my mistake to quote the condition as 5/5 as i thought of working condition at the time of making the thread not overall so please forgive me as it was my fault but the most important thing is we got this experience so from now we have be be clear b4 dealing with anyone and it is a request to @mods and @administration to please make a thread so that one can ask @mods & senior members about the condion of the product by uploading the pics that because sometimes what happens is like according to me the product condition is 4/5 but for any neutral guy its 3/5 or 3.5/5 so please make a thread and make it sticky so that we can and we will be helped.....
As i told you before i will be busy till week but hopefully i will transfer this week only...
And as you promised i keep your words you will change the feedback so please do it and @mods from now i wont give anyone chance to complain against me as it has tought me a very good lesson
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Ok give your bank details in whatsapp ok and sorry for all ok as it was my mistake to quote the condition as 5/5 as i thought of working condition at the time of making the thread not overall so please forgive me as it was my fault but the most important thing is we got this experience so from now we have be be clear b4 dealing with anyone and it is a request to @mods and @administration to please make a thread so that one can ask @mods & senior members about the condion of the product by uploading the pics that because sometimes what happens is like according to me the product condition is 4/5 but for any neutral guy its 3/5 or 3.5/5 so please make a thread and make it sticky so that we can and we will be helped.....
As i told you before i will be busy till week but hopefully i will transfer this week only...
And as you promised i keep your words you will change the feedback so please do it and @mods from now i wont give anyone chance to complain against me as it has tought me a very good lesson
  1. From your end, I would need a realistic deadline - specific date and time, before which you will transfer the amount.
  2. You would need to post that specific deadline on this thread. You can make no edits to that post.
  3. I have also sent you my bank account details in your TE inbox. Please confirm.
  4. As suggested multiple times, I would like to keep all conversations on TE.
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And bro i will transfer this week but you have to remove the feedback as promised so will you remove or not....

Let's keep all conversations (other than ones related to actual Bank Account details and transfer confirmations) here on this thread?
I think that would help with better coordination and transparency.

I'm still waiting for:
  1. From your end, I would need a realistic deadline - specific date and time, before which you will transfer the amount.
  2. You would need to post that specific deadline on this thread. You can make no edits to that post.

Edit: I don't want any extra amount as amendment. Please transfer Rs. 17,500. I'll use 500 from there plus additional 500 from my side to cover shipping.
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You need to give a date and make that transfer happen that day without fail. Unless a meteor/meteorite hits earth. You still giving ultimatums and orders to the buyer which you are in no position or freedom to do so.
Fulfill your promise towards the buyer first. Finish this deal with a clear mandate rather than giving vague timelines.

You are still giving reasons and excuses and still giving orders to others. Do your part first. Hope this is very clear to you. Again I hope next post from you on this forum will be "Transfer for the full amount of 17500 made to the buyer". Don't do partial transfers and again give the buyer headaches.

I forgot the amount of time I repeated certain words to you.*sigh*


Please transfer any extra amount, even if its a rupee back to the seller. Well I don't know if NEFT happens for 1 INR though.

You need to give a date and make that transfer happen that day without fail. Unless a meteor/meteorite hits earth. You still giving ultimatums and orders to the buyer which you are in no position or freedom to do so.
Fulfill your promise towards the buyer first. Finish this deal with a clear mandate rather than giving vague timelines.

You are still giving reasons and excuses and still giving orders to others. Do your part first. Hope this is very clear to you. Again I hope next post from you on this forum will be "Transfer for the full amount of 17500 made to the buyer". Don't do partial transfers and again give the buyer headaches.

I forgot the amount of time I repeated certain words to you.*sigh*


Please transfer any extra amount, even if its a rupee back to the seller. Well I don't know if NEFT happens for 1 INR though.
Bro wait no need to tell me about the payment again & again as i will pay by this week as i am busy as i am opening our new factory so please wait till saturday as i will transfer most probably on friday and @prakhargr8 as i can pay him in a flash because for me 15k-20k in not a big deal but time is as i am extremely busy this week....(i dont have online banking) and dont worry you will get paid on friday itself but to be on a safe side i ask till saturday's time......

"Transfer for the full amount of 17500 made to the buyer". Don't do partial transfers and again give the buyer headaches.
Did i mention about part payment........Please stop saying one thing again and again as i already said 4 post above that he will get it by this week itself......So please have a look and see i sold him a stuff and he didnt like it so i am refunding him and he will ship the playstation 3 back so make it as simple as that.....So dont ask any more questions which i already answered and about the feedback thing he @prakhargr8 promised me that i do whatever the mods ask me to do he will change it so i asked him about it so dont make a fuss about it.....
And my next reply wll be after payment is transferred and till then have a nice time....bye...
Hi @imtiaz786, just stepped out of a meeting and saw your missed call and message.

Could you please keep all but any sensitive conversations on this thread? Any sensitive conversation (Bank account details, transaction ID etc.) can happen over our TE inbox.

Also, could you give a specific, non-vague deadline?
Will do.

Still waiting for @imtiaz786 to reply with specifics.

PS. I will not pick up your phone calls, or reply to non-urgent messages over SMS/WhatsApp.

If you wish, I can SMS you my bank details for reference. Otherwise, let's use this thread and TE inbox for conversing.

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Bro luckily i
Hi @imtiaz786, just stepped out of a meeting and saw your missed call and message.

Could you please keep all but any sensitive conversations on this thread? Any sensitive conversation (Bank account details, transaction ID etc.) can happen over our TE inbox.

Also, could you give a specific, non-vague deadline?

PS. I will not pick up your phone calls, or reply to non-urgent messages over SMS/WhatsApp.

If you wish, I can SMS you my bank details for reference. Otherwise, let's use this thread and TE inbox for conversing.

Bro luckily i finished inauguration of my send facong and after that got time so made the payment and for mere 15k-20k i wont lie and as i said today that if i get time i will transfer before saturday but as i completed my work and got free time i transferred today itself......And now its your duty to ship it so do the shipping today itself.....and pack it in a bullet proof packing because i packied nicely and whatever you do i dont care as long as it reaches me safely......@mods i did the transfer well and before the time frame and for my sincerity buyer should change the feedback as promised and @prakhargr8 do the shipping today as i dont want to hear any excuses now from you......
I have given screenshot of the transfer to the buyer so please confirm....
Imtiaz had informed me on WhatsApp with photos of receipt that he's made the transfer. Had told him that I would check after work, but got a chance to check during lunch. Amount had not reflected till then. Imtiaz has sent a screenshot claiming it's reflected in my account. Will recheck after work and update this thread.

Conversation on WhatsApp:
Imtiaz: "So needed your number and my new factory's inauguration is just finished now so I am returning after half an hour so if possible will transfer today itself as I told you before money is not a issue for me but time is so most probably I will transfer today and boss you ship it immediately and I you shipped in bullet proof packing so I expect the same and it should reach me safely and that matters most and change the feedback.... "
Imtiaz: "Amount transferred by RTGS so you will get it within an hour"
Imtiaz: "Full Rs. 17,500 transferred"

Prakhar: "Will check my account after work and get back to you"

Imtiaz: "OK but ship it today anyhow and change the feedback"
@imtiaz786 please have slightly realistic expectations to when I can ship it. Once it reflects in my account, I'll make it a priority to ensure good packing and ship it as soon as possible. Will keep you updated on it. You can Inbox me your address in the meanwhile.

@mods, is it okay to ask others for suggestions on which courier to use?

Imtiaz had used DTDC "LITE-EXPRESS SERVICE" to send the PS3 my way. I went an enquired at a DTDC branch, and they have stuff written indicating no Electronic items. The only lady at the counter seemed confused. Any suggestions?

Edit: Isn't the minimum value for RTGS Rs. 2 Lakh?
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Edit: Isn't the minimum value for RTGS Rs. 2 Lakh?
He (or rather his bank) has used NEFT. NEFT happens at fixed time slots during the day. Amount gets withdrawn immediately but is deposited only during these designated slots. There are 10 or so slots daily.

RTGS is real time. As soon as it is withdrawn from the paying account, it is deposited in the payee account. Usually in minutes.
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Thanks for the info @biozen.

Rs. 17500 has shown up in my account. Will ship the PS3 as soon as possible. @Imtiaz768, please be patient. Will give you the estimation tomorrow afternoon after checking with another DTDC branch.

Don't worry about the packing. I'll ensure it's packed well.

Bro if you want you can ask invader as i have asked his permission before making the account......ok...
And its by mistake i wrote 5/5 because its was working nicely and i thought the working condition was awesome which still is now....not like you selling fake stuffs as my ps3 and everything is original....where as you knew you stuff was not worth Rs.100 so intead of paying return shipping you opted for no return where as my deal is 16k and for me 16k is not much since you know me i paid you Rs.4000 without asking you to make a sale thread for that TX 750 SMPS which i bought from you remember you gave me your Axix Bank Account No....And i paid you in a flash as you were to ship the psu immediately but you shipped it after 2 days......And what you think about yourself......i see you always putting Ghee on fire and create negative enviroment where as you should give good suggestion to juniors.....You dont respect mods so what should one expect from you.......Khud doosra ko cheat karte ho aur bhaashan dene chale Apni sakal aaina per dekh uske baad batao.....


And haa ask invader that the account which i made in Erodov he knew or not???.......And for you kind information TECH ENCLAVE is waay better than Erodov and there is heaven and hell difference......And scamsters and frauds are more in Erodov and they banned me not because i cheated anyone they banned me because i was cheated(And mods here in Tech Enclave if you want proof i can give you if you want for that my recent account in Erodov is banned because of what i said)
And mods please tell him(@manucitc) not to post his useless suggestions.......As i am doing what you have suggested so please tell him to stay out of it......

@imtiaz786 , I have asked invader about it and please see his reply..( mods are free to delete the post if irrelevant)

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*************** i didnt knew it first .. he told me his brother wants to join erodov .. but later i called the no. which he said was his bros n found out it was the same person n no bro existed :P .. banned him after that .. ***************

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Thanks for the info @biozen.

Rs. 17500 has shown up in my account. Will ship the PS3 as soon as possible. @Imtiaz768, please be patient. Will give you the estimation tomorrow afternoon after checking with another DTDC branch.

Don't worry about the packing. I'll ensure it's packed well.

Bro ship it anyhow without miss tomorrow and use DTDC EXPRESS as i used it and whatever formalities you have to do just do it as i transferred your money in no time because see yesterday mods told me to refund and you got it today and about the formalities i didnt ask you as i shipped you in no time considering i had problems(my driver died) so i dont want to here anything else and dont post any useless post other than tracking id given and about shipping please used DTDC EXPRESS as i used the same so i dont want it to be shipped by any cheap courier just to save money from your end and i transit responsibility is yours and if something happens you have to bear everything.....
Imtiaz had informed me on WhatsApp with photos of receipt that he's made the transfer. Had told him that I would check after work, but got a chance to check during lunch. Amount had not reflected till then. Imtiaz has sent a screenshot claiming it's reflected in my account. Will recheck after work and update this thread.

Conversation on WhatsApp:
@imtiaz786 please have slightly realistic expectations to when I can ship it. Once it reflects in my account, I'll make it a priority to ensure good packing and ship it as soon as possible. Will keep you updated on it. You can Inbox me your address in the meanwhile.

@mods, is it okay to ask others for suggestions on which courier to use?

Imtiaz had used DTDC "LITE-EXPRESS SERVICE" to send the PS3 my way. I went an enquired at a DTDC branch, and they have stuff written indicating no Electronic items. The only lady at the counter seemed confused. Any suggestions?

Edit: Isn't the minimum value for RTGS Rs. 2 Lakh?

You posted the whatsapp conversation till 2:30pm but since i messaged you the conformation message of bank on 4:11pm you should have written that also as you posted here in techEnclave on 4:18 so check this so just dont try to prove yourself right and you should have mentioned about this message from me too... as you should not take more than 24 hours to ship it after getting do the shipping tomorrow.....As everyone know now that i paid you very next day after mods told me yesterday to refund you......
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