Protest the increment in price by Milestone interactive for video games

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That just shows that if there are options, like decently priced physical discs people will buy them instead of buying from an online store.

Expensive games do not mean better games, Frozen Synapse and DEFCON are games that flew under the RADR but when I found about them I bought them [ironically on STEAM].

I use STEAM to play Shogun 2 and other TOTAL WAR titles, unfortunately they do not have India-centri servers, some matches are fun while the rest are either laggy OR I am playing against a juvenile delinquent whose vocabulary is restricted to "Kill-A-n00b... !&)!$&(@$)!*)!$*)!$)".

Also played The Dawn of War series using STEAM but that was Co-Op campaign mode with a known friend, so had a lot more fun [and it was cheaper on-street].

So a lot depends on the game, the services offered in conjunction and more importantly how the distribution agency views the market, in India BattleField 3 and Counter Strike are big whilst TOTAL WAR is not so known it shows that we enthusiasts suffer.

Yes we all know physical discs are cheaper than Steam initially, what's the point? Please don't go off track.

Where have I mentioned that expensive games means good games?

Indie Games generally not expensive. Limbo, Bastion, Binding of Isaac.

MW3 - expensive. Of course but great value for the price paid.

But yes the multiplayer experience right from connecting to lobby, pings, matchups. Everything is THE best I've seen. So yeah its expensive but was worth it.

If you have so many cheaper options then why complain?
If you have so many cheaper options then why complain?

But yes the multiplayer experience right from connecting to lobby, pings, matchups. Everything is THE best I've seen. So yeah its expensive but was worth it.

Because you are fine with Milestone raising its prices as long as EA has provided us with Origin India who provide us games at ~1500/- and very well may have forced EA's hand in persuading Milestone to shore up its own prices.

And yes more importantly once you buy the game from Origin you have to invest in electricity and a decently fast internet connection to download the software, doesn't that add to the cost in this process.

If that were the case rather than the norm I would have supported you but that is not the case, neither are the games getting cheaper nor is the infrastructure coming up. So maybe for a single game such as BattleField 3 you might be right, try running all games on STEAM and play with chaps based in Europe, China and the Americas'.

Indie games are not expensive, neither are they available in the physical format. And average price with STEAM sales is palatable otherwise they themselves set you back by ~$10 -->$15 which can be an impulse buy now and then but with better games tightening the noose, who wants to play these games.
One reason for people being able to buy games more frequently in US, apart from purchasing power is the organized second hand game market. One can buy a game, play to his/her heart's content and then sell off at craigslist, amazon trade in, gamestop, ebay, bestbuy trade in etc. This way the original buyer recovers a good amount back and at the end of the day he must have paid lot less than retail to enjoy the game.
I checked origin store now, NFS MW LE is Rs.2799/- :scared14: Dreams shattered

Dead Space 3 ~3350/-
Crysis 3 ~3350/-
Command and Conquer Generals 2 ~1499/-

Shit like Katy Perry theme packs for The Sims 3 is retailing for ~999/-.

That is it, EA has screwed its own business. I cannot purchase any game at these rates. Either STEAM sales OR "victoire pour les pirates".

Borderlands 2 still for preorder at 999 on flipkart ... also fc3 ... am a happy man :)

Those are UBISOFT titles and I think eXpress Interactive distributes them in India.
Dead Space 3 ~3350/-
Crysis 3 ~3350/-
Command and Conquer Generals 2 ~1499/-

Shit like Katy Perry theme packs for The Sims 3 is retailing for ~999/-.

That is it, EA has screwed its own business. I cannot purchase any game at these rates. Either STEAM sales OR "victoire pour les pirates".

Those are UBISOFT titles and I think eXpress Interactive distributes them in India.

#BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames#BoyCottEAGames #BoyCottEAGames
WTF those prices are a direct conversion of a 60$ into rupees :@ screw this shit

Its time to hit the BAY :ohyeah:

Steam Sales FTW

Ubisoft Ftw

Borderlands 2
Darksiders 2

Unless they decide to jack up the prices as well

Its high time we flip the bird to EA
and look at other better things in gaming
Dead Space 3 ~3350/-
Crysis 3 ~3350/-
Command and Conquer Generals 2 ~1499/-

Shit like Katy Perry theme packs for The Sims 3 is retailing for ~999/-.

That is it, EA has screwed its own business. I cannot purchase any game at these rates. Either STEAM sales OR "victoire pour les pirates".

Those are UBISOFT titles and I think eXpress Interactive distributes them in India.

WTF!!! Are these prices for PC?
I have to say this i agree with everyone here saying that the prices will increase and those saying that it should not. No doubt in that. But honestly give it a thought wouldnt piracy decrease if the prices were low? High Price is directly proportional increase in Piracy. Why is piracy done in the first place? I honestly think this is because of the price at which the games are released. I can't think of any other reason. And increasing the prices of shifting the game to online servers making impossible to crack a game or any other methods and stuff alas spending so much money..seriously do you think this will stop piracy? Sorry but I don't think so...why waste money on so much security and raise the price of the game when instead you decrease the price of the game and not spend money and see piracy kill itself. Just putting forward my point.
If somebody steals from your house you put security measures not buy less expensive stuff do you?
Wouldn't it be better to rather confront the situation and ask the thief why is he stealing? Which is obvious in the case that we are discussing. Rather than spending a huge chunk of money on security measures and forcing the thief to get some idea how to steal again cause after a few fails he will actually succeed. He has been till now hasn't he? ;)
But honestly give it a thought wouldnt piracy decrease if the prices were low? High Price is directly proportional increase in Piracy. Why is piracy done in the first place? I honestly think this is because of the price at which the gaames are released.

I think this was discussed before or something on similar lines. No matter how low they price the titles, if it is available for free elsewhere humans tend to choose the latter. That's their mentality. Ofc there are some folks who are willing to pay and play. :P

Like Rakshit mentioned, what we need in the country is outlets such as Gamestop which has a buy-back scheme for the titles. And they do it at a good price so the original owner isn't looted of the price. I think Landmark does it but the number of users are far too less compared to those in a developed nation, where the returns of such a scheme are high.
I know and it was me only. :P I am saying it again. Its just what i think although one post won't change anything . Ha
I think Landmark does it but the number of users are far too less compared to those in a developed nation, where the returns of such a scheme are high.

Gannu they do support that indeed but it is a piddling 10% off on the next game you purchase from LANDMARK and honestly speaking they do not stock a lot of interesting titles; most of their stocks look at-least a year OR year-and-half old. They have a better section for consoles [in Bangalore].

I try to buy most games I play, most I say because I do not earn myself and also do not have the time to spend on all the titles that are released every-month. Rather purchase a single title that allows me to indulge in some replays and offers a solid multi-player component than every single title out there like -- Duke Nuke'N: Shit got Real after 10 years / NFS: Runnin' with your money / Medal of Honour: Wars are horrible for the soldiers.

Sometimes I impulse buy INDIE titles like -- Bastion, Frozen Synapse from STEAM but at these rates that EA is proposing all this goes for a toss. I will have to return to the shadows for my fix.

Why is piracy done in the first place? I honestly think this is because of the price at which the games are released. I can't think of any other reason.

Apart from that Akshat you have to note that most of us chaps prefer to get it through the retail channels because internet speeds are not very consistent and online distributors apart from STEAM are not established to the point of mainstream.

Also even on STEAM OR for that matter any online distribution service [including EA's ORIGIN India] apart from paying for the software you have to pay for the electricity that you consume whilst downloading the game. So that is another factor that you have to look into, slow internet connection [OR plain unreliable lines] = greater download times = higher electricity bill = you just got looted either ways.
I try to convince my friends to turn into paying customers, have succeeded to some extent mainly due to the Steam summer and winter sales. Can't see this happening with retail, "Common, buy it, it's just 3.5K. What would you get for 3.5k these days anyways !!" Nope, not gonna work.
My friends OTOH keep asking me all the time, "Oh how do you spend so much for console titles? Like 2.2~2.7k a title? Are you crazy?". What they don't realise is, after playing the title I sell it off for a 400~500 Rs discount which is like a good discount to the prospective buyers who weren't willing to shell out the retail price for the title during the launch. And a good price for me as well. A win-win for both the parties. And come on isn't a title worth at least 500 Rs?
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