took me abt the same time as well.Gannu said:Backed up GOW 3 to the internal drive using MM 1.15.03 in approx. 1 hour 20 minutes. That would be ~41GB if my memory serves me right.
Not possible it takes 1 hour 15 mins for all.kuld33p said:Mine was fast.. took around 45 mins max.. afair..
Atleast these games have local network multiplayer:
• Borderlands and 007 Blood Stone
• Call of Duty 4
• Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
• Call of Duty W@W
• Condemned 2
• F.E.A.R
• Haze
• OFP Dragon Rising
• Rainbow Six Vegas
• The Darkness
• TimeShift
• Unreal Tournament 3
• Armored Core 4
• Blazing Angels 2
• Blur
• DiRT
• DiRT 2
• F1 2010
• Formula 1 Championship
• H.A.W.X 2
• Dark Sector
• Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
• Kane & Lynch Dead Man
• Red Dead Redemption
• Red Fraction Guerrilla
• Saints Row 2
• Warhawk
Works fine for me on 1.15.03. Backed it up using the same MM app. I don't think eboot.ini or param.sfo is the culprit here since I did not replace mine either. Could you check psx-scene?Freefrag said:guys i took a back-up of GOW3 and tried loading it on MM 1.16 with BDEMU,but it always goes back to the PS3 main menu :s
Editing the PARAM.SFO file (3.56 to 3.55) does do jack! The only additional requirement being the installation of a pkg file.Ethan_Hunt said:In other news: We have MLB 2K11 being the first game to adopt 3.56 firmware as a mandatory requirement to be installed, else the game won't boot. And NO, firmware spoofing or editing PARAM.SFO file doesn't do jack.
Gannu said:Editing the PARAM.SFO file (3.56 to 3.55) does do jack! The only additional requirement being the installation of a pkg file.
LOL so much for the 3.56 firmware requirement.
dinjo said:Roger manager fixes above issues for me,.
Because those games natively run at 720p and thus is upscaled. No issues there.Freefrag said:Same here.........and on another topic my TV displays the XMB in 1920*1080 but whenever i start a game it goes to 1280*720 :s,any ideas why this is happening ?? i have a samsung 40C530.
Sorry forgot to mention that the games i tried where GOW3 and Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (i doubt these games natively run on 720p ).Gannu said:Because those games natively run at 720p and thus is upscaled. No issues there.![]()
They do run at 720p natively.Freefrag said:Sorry forgot to mention that the games i tried where GOW3 and Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (i doubt these games natively run on 720p ).
Freefrag said:Sorry forgot to mention that the games i tried where GOW3 and Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (i doubt these games natively run on 720p ).
pranaywhiz said:GOW 3 supports 720p and 1080i. If u want it to run in 1080i u need to uncheck the 720p option in display settings. But some games support only 720p(uncharted series etc) for those u need 720p checked otherwise it would display in 576p which is the default setting which you cant uncheck.