jojothedragon said:the latest version of MM supports NTFS drives!
Awesome thing. Can I move from Gaia to MM without loosing FTPed games ?
jojothedragon said:the latest version of MM supports NTFS drives!
Yup. Grab it here - multiMAN 1.16.03 Released – NTFS Support Added | PS3 Hacks :: PS3 Homebrew :: PS3 Downloadsjojothedragon said:the latest version of MM supports NTFS drives!
Gannu said:^You can. I moved from Gaia to multiMAN. Gaia maintained GAMEZ as the backup folder whereas MM can take it from GAMEZ or GAMES. When you copy the game from an external drive or back up a blu-ray, it goes inside the GAMES folder.
Yup. Grab it here - multiMAN 1.16.03 Released – NTFS Support Added | PS3 Hacks :: PS3 Homebrew :: PS3 Downloads
Glad to hear that. I for one wouldn't want to update for now. Been comfortable with 1.15.03. Got to give it to Deank. He seems to be tinkering around with the nifty little application all the time.bassam904 said:Thanks Gannu. I tried and it word.
Worked as in it's booting back up from a NTFS formatted drive? The log file stated that it didn't boot back ups, yet.bassam904 said:Thanks Gannu. I tried and it word.
I think he was referring to copying the backups.Ethan_Hunt said:Worked as in it's booting back up from a NTFS formatted drive? The log file stated that it didn't boot back ups, yet.
Just press L1 twice and it refresh basically it refreshes on any key button eventsEthan_Hunt said:Look who just joined the Kmeaw CFW partay! Yes, yours truly finally decided to boot out that USB dongle and the power+eject activity & adopt the new rage. Tried Bulletstorm using the latest Multiman and it worked perfectly. Using Multiman for the very first time and it looks awesome and has tons of options to fiddle around with. Love the cover flow system. How do you refresh the list of games you just transferred to your internal HDD? I had to exit to XMB and re-launch MM to get the game detected. I know Gaia was simple enough to press L3 to refresh the list. What's the hot-key for MM?
dinjo said:Just press L1 twice and it refresh basically it refreshes on any key button events
It is better if you have one. Some of the games have been reported to throw a black screen without a disc. Not a CFW user here but MM 1.15.03.Freefrag said:guys i have just started using CFW KMEAW with Multiman and wanted to know that do you need a disc in the console to play the backup games ?
I'm on the latest Multiman and got the BDEMU PKG installed and everything works without a hitch. I didn't find any issue for now. The new interface looks really good and the speed is said to be improved over the previous versions.dinjo said:Don't update to latest Multiman else you will need BDMEU pkg since in last 2 release the ability to play back ups have been removed
If you mean copying to internal drive by FTP, then I haven't noticed a huge differene. However, my speeds have halved since my system format, for some reason. I used to get 27-34MBps transfer speeds earlier. Now it's almost 12MBps to 17MBps. I'm not sure what the reason is. I guess I need to remove the default Windows drives for my ethernet adapter and update it with the newer version. If you mean copying from the USB drive to internal drive, then I'm not sure, as I haven't tried that yet.kuld33p said:Me happy with MM 1.15.x till the time it plays all my backed up games.. so far its awesome.. just 2 pkgs running on my ps3.. multiman and blackbox.. nothing else.. and its like charm.. the claims of faster copying is crap with newer version.. it does not make any difference.. at least I never seen anyone speak about it.. (Edit: Now I know someone, Ethan what is the difference you see in terms of copying )