PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

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Seems like i have to move to CFW , need tutorial and OFW and CFW(With all Fixes) with there md5 hash.
Yes I did the same way as on the tutorial I gave you. Recovery mode is safe for installing CFW but make sure you are on OFW 3.55 first. You could try some youtube videos too. Well I'm off to play MvC 3 :D
Damn i f*cking love this guy, so freaking cool <3

Yo it's geohot

And for those that don't know

I'm getting sued by Sony

Let's take this out of the courtroom and into the streets

I'm a beast, at the least, you'll face me in the northeast

Get my ire up, light my fire

I'll go harder than Eminem went at Mariah

Call me a liar

Pound me in the ass with no lube, chafing

You're ****ing with the dude who got the keys to your safe and

Those that can't do bring suits

Cry to your Uncle Sam to settle disputes

Thought you'd tackle this with a little more tact

But then again fudgepackers, I don't know Jack

I shed a tear everytime I think of Lik Sang

But shit man, they're a corporation

And I'm a personification of freedom for all

You fill dockets, like thats a concept foreign to y'all

While lawyers muddy water and TROs stall

Out of business is jail for me

And you're suing me civilly

Exhibit this in the courtroom

Go on, do it, I dare you
What was all that about?

Sony really made Geo-suck go nuts. Way to go sony! :P

What a unfortunate contradiction. He wanted to be a celebrity by releasing hacks, but sadly he is going to jail(yet to be decided sadly) instead.

But the rap is awesome though.
jojothedragon said:
What was all that about?

Sony really made Geo-suck go nuts. Way to go sony! :P

What a unfortunate contradiction. He wanted to be a celebrity by releasing hacks, but sadly he is going to jail(yet to be decided sadly) instead.

But the rap is awesome though.
No Way he's going to jail, i think he'll win over sony (just as he did over apple).
Meaning? Did he win against Sony?

xXx said:
^This time the case is different!

IMO He is done this time for good!

Personally I think Sony is trying just too hard to scare everyone off... Their method of suing anyone and everyone including the ppl who even watch the jailbreak video is just making people more pissed
If it hits your business, you will be as mad as they are.

The main selling point to 3rd party for PS3 was its Security, and it has been compromised, now it depends upon the Game Devs/Pubs to add in additional security of themselves. Similar to what Valve will be doing, when they launch their Steam Network on PS3.
Then they should have been more lenient....first they say PS3 supports linux and then they suddenly remove Linux support in a new release; which is totally unfair

Moreover, no media support;

its these things and not backups that more ppl are looking at
vercetti said:
Then they should have been more lenient....first they say PS3 supports linux and then they suddenly remove Linux support in a new release; which is totally unfair

Moreover, no media support;

its these things and not backups that more ppl are looking at

:rofl: u still think that backups is not their main intention to do hacking / jail breaking PS3...:rofl:

Its just an excuse to hide from SONY's legal sniffer dogs...nothing else....Sony played safely this time and had it all in Privacy Statement & End User Agreement...their core source of income is hit, what do you suggest?

Consider yourself in their situation, you are a SONY CEO and u see, ur business bleeding with such antics, ne1 in their sane mind will be MAD!
I still see sony making loads of money nd profit from ps3 ,its just greed.geohot shud move to india nd fight with sony here. We hv awesome judiciary which will make sony go kaput in 5 yrs can anyone even think of saying that u should not be able to do anything on a device that u have bought?

for xbox also; we have the same thing; do u see MS suing the people who mod thier console? Its again T&C of Sony so its ok but u can't f**king legalize such things

U should ban ppl who are found to be pirating games like in xbox scene wherein modded xbox's are banned online
xXx said:
:rofl: u still think that backups is not their main intention to do hacking / jail breaking PS3...:rofl:
Its just an excuse to hide from SONY's legal sniffer dogs...nothing else....Sony played safely this time and had it all in Privacy Statement & End User Agreement...their core source of income is hit, what do you suggest?
Consider yourself in their situation, you are a SONY CEO and u see, ur business bleeding with such antics, ne1 in their sane mind will be MAD!
guys, i'm thinking of jailbreaking my ps3, and cfw have just been released, also there is the usb sticks.. i want to play backups, so is it possible to play backups after installing cfw's alone..?

and if i need to buy a usb stick, considering ps jailbreak is outta my reach, i've got to know about ps3 break device which is around $20, i want to know i should be buying this stick or any other u guys wanna recommend..
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