How often does Google updates its Maps? Some one is showing google images and telling that India missed its targets.
Somebody needs to shoe them realtime sat feed. Would the govt do that? No
Then somebody needs to go to the site of bombing to verify the claim.
Who will do this? Nobody
Then why question the Army or anybody without knowing the truth?
The US and its allies are capable enough to take control of the Nuclear Command of Pakis in case they fall into wrong hands but who exactly are in control of them?
Its not Imran Khan who is running that country but ISI.
The ISI is the handler for Imran Khan and his ponies.
The same ISI is the handler for the insurgents and their camps across the LOC and POK.
Who knows about this?
Everybody in this wide world including all our western allies knows this.
Then where do we stand?
Unless the so called friends of ours gives a nod we wont cross the LOC to attack.
This is the truth.
Again we have an sofisticated surveillance system in place but where did it go in case of Pulwama Attack.
Either it is not in place for the state of J&K or we are truly lazy to act or take action.
Somebody needs to shoe them realtime sat feed. Would the govt do that? No
Then somebody needs to go to the site of bombing to verify the claim.
Who will do this? Nobody
Then why question the Army or anybody without knowing the truth?
The US and its allies are capable enough to take control of the Nuclear Command of Pakis in case they fall into wrong hands but who exactly are in control of them?
Its not Imran Khan who is running that country but ISI.
The ISI is the handler for Imran Khan and his ponies.
The same ISI is the handler for the insurgents and their camps across the LOC and POK.
Who knows about this?
Everybody in this wide world including all our western allies knows this.
Then where do we stand?
Unless the so called friends of ours gives a nod we wont cross the LOC to attack.
This is the truth.
Again we have an sofisticated surveillance system in place but where did it go in case of Pulwama Attack.
Either it is not in place for the state of J&K or we are truly lazy to act or take action.