Queries related to passport

Make sure you have some transaction within a year a stale account statement is useless , also any bank statement stamped and signed would work.

Thanks for the explanation. That works.
Now what about the 2nd part ?

Say this is the situation.. My appointment at 10 AM and my wife's appointment at 11 AM on the very same day.

1. I go inside to get my passport details changed, endorse my wife's name in my passport, so i take marriage certificate too. Now do those people take away my existing passport and give me only along with the new passport ? Or they just give me the passport back, now supposedly CANCELLED.
2. Now if i do get my passport back then and there CANCELLED can i still use that for my wife as a proof of address for her ?

Sorry if i am complicating things.

1. If your passport has any valid Visa, they will need your old passport. For that they will give you a letter that they have taken your passport.

If you and your wife has appointment at the same time, you can get it processed at the same desk. Atleast this was the case in 2010 in Bangalore. I saw the officials asking people that if they are with other family members, they can process all at the same desk.

If above is not possible, I guess it would be better if your wife gets her application through before you.
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One year statement (with transactions)/ Passbook of running bank account (Scheduled Commercial bank excluding Regional Rural banks and local area banks)

According to RBI: http://www.rbi.org.in/scripts/certainconcepts.aspx
(a) Scheduled Commercial Banks are grouped under following categories:
1. State Bank of India and its Associates
2. Nationalised Banks
3. Foreign Banks
4. Regional Rural Banks
5. Other Scheduled Commercial Banks
I guess ICICI should work in this case..
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^ thats right.. as per the PSK site... any banks except local banks are fine... but those people does not follow those properly. People whoever showed private bank statements has been asked to produce one more like a letter from company(private is fine). They are not following lot of things :( For minor passport, at least one parent passport is enough. But they insisted me to submit both parents. So first i applied for my wife and submitted that receipt copy. Same for Non-ECR, they asked transfer certificate apart from SSLC mark sheet. But as per PSK site, SSLC mark sheet is enough!
It seems they have reverted back to booking at only specific time of the day as per PSK. Constantly getting error. Should go through at 3 PM i suppose (for Mumbai).
I carried my aadhaar card, election card and BSc certificate. My doc verification was done with these 3 docs only. I did not need any bank statement or letter or anything.
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Aundh/Baner residents from Pune, which police station we need to choose ??

I am not 100% sure but i guess it will be "Chaturshrungi". I know this is no way near to the actual Chaturshrungi temple and is infact just at Breman Chowk. But looks like this is the one for people in Aundh.
Tried at 3 PM today and all i got was "Maximum number of appointments exceeded for the day." :([DOUBLEPOST=1372671898][/DOUBLEPOST]Edit: Tried from Home PC and it says "Unable to process the request. Please try after some time"

Cannot do in office since it treats them as multiple connection from same IP and does not work.
can someone clarify this point to me..
"Getting a bank statement as my address proof."
I have an account in city X which is operational for about 8 years, but i'm applying for a passport in city Y, is it possible to transfer the account from city X -> city Y and ask the bank at city Y to give a copy of a year(s) transaction, so that i can submit it as an address proof? the bank in question is SBI.
^^ If you can get the address changed in the bank records, then it should be fine.

address can be updated in 3 days time is assured by the bank by transferring CIS info and putting in an email with the necessary info , from city X to city Y; but the problem is will the SBI bank at city Y give me a statement of one year, cos my duration of stay till date in the new city Y is 3 months.
address can be updated in 3 days time is assured by the bank by transferring CIS info and putting in an email with the necessary info , from city X to city Y; but the problem is will the SBI bank at city Y give me a statement of one year, cos my duration of stay till date in the new city Y is 3 months.

I understand. But because banks are centralized, you should not have issues getting a statement of account. At least, that is what I think. Wait for confirmation from someone else too..
They will have no problem. Address will be the new one and most banks have a centralized system and should have no problems problem in giving a year long statement.
@raksrules Yes.. A statement of accounts from the bank should work fine. The statement has to be for the past 1 year though. And, to be on the safer side, affix your wife's photograph on the statement in the page where her account details are visible, and ask the bank officials to attest it too.

Damm :banghead: I did not do any such thing (affix mine or my wife's photograph) on the Bank statement..... and now there is no time to do so (as my apptmt is scheduled at 10:30 am tomorrow).

It beats me to what ends we gotta go to humour these 'sarkari babus' ..... 'coz nowhere is there a rule that says we gotta do the above (and yet I am aware of folks following this practice)!!!

I actually have adequate docs where my wife's name appears (Flat is regd. on both our names/Share certificate/Reliance Energy Bill/Gas Connection)..... so I am just carrying the last 2..... (I cannot carry the first two as the originals are with the Bank/Loan is still going on:mad: ). Also ready with Annexure-H (for my kiddo).

If Applicable then:-
It also helps to carry a letter (to whomsoever it may concern) from your society on its letterhead, signed (Chairman/Sec/Treasurer) & stamped with the society seal stating that 'xyz' is a resident of ....... & has been residing continuously for the past 'x' years (longer the better).

Will keep you guys posted by tomorrow evening the outcome of my MISSION Passport (hope the Gods are merciful ..... as dealing with fellow humans is a greater nightmare) :rolleyes:
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UPDATE @logistopath; @raksrules et. al.

1. My passport application work is done & went through smoothly.
2. Daughter's and Wife's got REJECTED :mad: - due to "Marriage Certificate" not being notarised on 'non-judicial' stamp paper [Annexure D on a non-judicial stamp paper]. So we have to report back within 2 days with the 'reqd docs'.

We all got in at 10:15 am and out by 12:45 noon.

1. Pass through Security check [here some photo-ID proof document is necessary , PAN card will do] + print out of the "Application Receipt".

  • ONLY 1 set of xerox is necessary of all the 'originals' that you carry. Get them 'self-attested' & below it write the date too [scheduled appmt date]
  • Both parents are allowed to accompany a 'minor'. No need to carry any photographs [unless it's of a minor below 4 years of age].
  • Some photo-id of a minor too helps [school id-card for example]
  • It is NOT POSSIBLE to club the whole family together. Each will be issued 'separate' tokens.
  • When doing applns jointly (a whole family) - each applicant needs to have a distinct set of "originals" - say address proof docs etc.
  • It is very very important to give the 'contact details' PREFERABLY - of your two immediate neighbours (or in the same building), this probably helps 'police-verification' to go smoothly. Emergency contact details can be of a different location.
  • Unfortunately the Andheri-East PSK does not have any advocate/lawyer's kiosks outside to help if any doc needs to be notarised [the Malad PSK has one and generally rejections of this type can be attended to immediately].
My "Bank-Statement" for the past 1 year was not even considered as necessary or important & not accepted by the officials (they said no-need for it) ~ @logistopath [remember wot I said as there are no hard and fast rules]
I wasted Rs 116.32 ps - dats wot ICICI charged me [now where do I shove this crap :sour:]

2. Primary level of checking all documents [this counter is chaotic if your apptmt is scheduled for the 1st hour or so]. If all is fine you will be issued a 'Token No' & all your relevant xerox papers will be placed inside a khaki coloured file.
Note: Once the "Token-No" is issued ... the countdown starts [if your docs are rejected at A, B or C counters - then you have just 2-3 days to rectify the errors]
If docs are not ok - then you could be turned back from here.

3. Show 'Token No" and Check-In through another 'security barrier' & enter the 'main waiting room' area.


Wait till your 'Token No' flashes on the screen which lists only Counter No "A" tokens [Other screens will list Counter 'B' or 'C' token nos - which is not important at this stage]

COUNTER A - Manned by TCS staff [All Processing is done here]. Rejection can take place even at this section.
All docs verified again with originals.
Your photograph will be clicked [Canon 1000D]
You will be asked to cross check all details in your appl form again [any corrections that you need can be done now].
Note: The address field which was short and brief can now be expanded to include a more detailed one.
Zerox docs will be scanned & uploaded.
Fingerprint scan is done.
Fee receipt will be given.
Querries (if any) will be answered by a person available in this section.

Next - Proceed to counter B [Verification Zone] manned by sarkari babu's
Check your "Token No" being displayed on the screens which list B & C tokens only.
Need lotsa patience here. No time to go & pee also (as you may miss your turn .... I did not visit the loo to see if they had installed screens over there)

COUNTER B - [Verification Zone]
Everything is carefully scrutinised again by sarkari babu's [with the originals] - this is where loads of rejections take place. I have no explanations to give except that you need to pray & hope that 'aal eez well'.
My daughter's papers were rejected at this counter - As I did not provide a certified marriage document [the "Church Certificate" is not recognised by the Govt Of India] + provide some other document for a minor [especially when both parents do not have a passport - as in my case]. I had already provided 'Annexure-H' ....

COUNTER C - [Granting Zone ]
Here sit the most 'deadliest' of all babu's - they only look at the 'xeroxed doc' file & checked each and every field of data online, no questions were asked.... say all your prayers again & appear relaxed.
He/She sitting here has the final say & 'stamping-authorisation' - ie. GRANTED ......... you can breathe easy & scream YIPPEE........
The 'Khaki-File" with all your xeroxed docs is retained by them.


Your File No: details etc are all mentioned here.


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