logistopath; @
raksrules et. al.
1. My passport application work is done & went through smoothly.
2. Daughter's and Wife's got
- due to "Marriage Certificate" not being notarised on 'non-judicial' stamp paper [Annexure D on a non-judicial stamp paper]. So we have to report back within 2 days with the 'reqd docs'.
We all got in at 10:15 am and out by 12:45 noon.
1. Pass through Security check [here some photo-ID proof document is necessary , PAN card will do] + print out of the "Application Receipt".
- ONLY 1 set of xerox is necessary of all the 'originals' that you carry. Get them 'self-attested' & below it write the date too [scheduled appmt date]
- Both parents are allowed to accompany a 'minor'. No need to carry any photographs [unless it's of a minor below 4 years of age].
- Some photo-id of a minor too helps [school id-card for example]
- It is NOT POSSIBLE to club the whole family together. Each will be issued 'separate' tokens.
- When doing applns jointly (a whole family) - each applicant needs to have a distinct set of "originals" - say address proof docs etc.
- It is very very important to give the 'contact details' PREFERABLY - of your two immediate neighbours (or in the same building), this probably helps 'police-verification' to go smoothly. Emergency contact details can be of a different location.
- Unfortunately the Andheri-East PSK does not have any advocate/lawyer's kiosks outside to help if any doc needs to be notarised [the Malad PSK has one and generally rejections of this type can be attended to immediately].
My "Bank-Statement" for the past 1 year was not even considered as necessary or important & not accepted by the officials (they said no-need for it) ~ @
logistopath [remember wot I said as there are no hard and fast rules]
I wasted Rs 116.32 ps - dats wot ICICI charged me [now where do I shove this crap

2. Primary level of checking all documents [this counter is chaotic if your apptmt is scheduled for the 1st hour or so]. If all is fine you will be issued a '
Token No' & all your relevant xerox papers will be placed inside a khaki coloured file.
Note: Once the "Token-No" is issued ... the countdown starts [if your docs are rejected at A, B or C counters - then you have just 2-3 days to rectify the errors]
If docs are not ok - then you could be turned back from here.
3. Show 'Token No" and Check-In through another 'security barrier' & enter the 'main waiting room' area.
Wait till your 'Token No' flashes on the screen which lists only Counter No "A" tokens
[Other screens will list Counter 'B' or 'C' token nos - which is not important at this stage]
COUNTER A - Manned by TCS staff
[All Processing is done here]. Rejection can take place even at this section.
All docs verified again with originals.
Your photograph will be clicked [Canon 1000D]
You will be asked to cross check all details in your appl form again [any corrections that you need can be done now].
Note: The address field which was short and brief can now be expanded to include a more detailed one.
Zerox docs will be scanned & uploaded.
Fingerprint scan is done.
Fee receipt will be given.
Querries (if any) will be answered by a person available in this section.
Next - Proceed to counter B [Verification Zone] manned by sarkari babu's
Check your "Token No" being displayed on the screens which list B & C tokens only.
Need lotsa patience here. No time to go & pee also (as you may miss your turn .... I did not visit the loo to see if they had installed screens over there)
COUNTER B - [Verification Zone]
Everything is carefully scrutinised again by sarkari babu's [with the originals] - this is where loads of rejections take place.
I have no explanations to give except that you need to pray & hope that 'aal eez well'.
My daughter's papers were rejected at this counter - As I did not provide a certified marriage document [the "Church Certificate" is not recognised by the Govt Of India] + provide some other document for a minor [especially when both parents do not have a passport - as in my case]. I had already provided 'Annexure-H' ....
COUNTER C - [Granting Zone ]
Here sit the most 'deadliest' of all babu's - they only look at the 'xeroxed doc' file & checked each and every field of data online, no questions were asked.... say all your prayers again & appear relaxed.
He/She sitting here has the final say & 'stamping-authorisation' - ie. GRANTED ......... you can breathe easy & scream YIPPEE........
The 'Khaki-File" with all your xeroxed docs is retained by them.
Your File No: details etc are all mentioned here.