RAGE - Discussion thread

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for me 11.8 catalyst and the patch works better(or 11.8,the custom cfg and forcing triple buffering and vsync using d3doverider). none of the specialized drivers work. they just freeze the game

using v-sync, no aa, large texture, 1920x1080
Nobody here thinks the whole Resistance v Authority drama is seemingly HL2 inspired?

Down to the walls protecting authority structures at that.
How does it play? Which game is it most comparable to? I heard that there were no advanced settings for graphics - does it mean that the engine is not scalable?

I compare it to mostly BioShock and Doom as far as the FPS and RPG part goes, driving part is like motorstorm, so combine those 3 games and you have RAGE.

IMO...I love this game, have been playing this more than the BF3 beta.

Yeah the graphics start jittering at times, like maybe once an hour but just pressing ESC and back to the game, fixes it no need to exit just going to the pause menu fixes it. I have had no issues at all otherwise, and only twice in the 4-5 hours of gameplay did I face the slow texture loading issue so its been good so far. I used a custom cgf file though and the latest nVidia drivers....Fraps shows 60 fps most of the time, stuck at 60.

I dont care about Auto Saves as long as Quick Save is there F5, is pressed as much as my reload button :)

I can't wait to go back home and some more Mutant bash TV.
Alright so I've been playing RAGE since the last weekend and it has not been as bad as some of the reviews portray it to be. But yes, there are shortcomings and some of those which could have been averted considering id has pulled off some impressive titles in the past. id's chief seemed to have put it rightly, the PC issues "have been a real cluster!@#$".

Going by the reviews, the game seemed to have been ported to both the consoles without bugs but made it to the PC with a host of graphics related glitches. Both Nvidia and AMD have addressed (or at least attempted to do so) these issues with the release of the respective latest drivers. RAGE is the first title to use id's latest Tech 5 engine that utilises the MegaTexture texture allocation tech to display textures on the static terrain. Instead of loading small chunks of textures as the player progresses in the game level, a single large texture is loaded from the hard drive into the RAM and then scaled suitably to fit the required display resolution.

I'll quickly run you guys through some of the random features of the game in no particular order. The no-frills storyline - a cutscene at the start of the game shows a huge asteroid crashing on the earth, nearly wiping out most of the life forms and devastating the entire physical structure. Whoever survived the impact formed different factions and clans, occupied and controlled several territories and wastelands. The protagonist who is referred to as an Ark survivor in-game, seemed to have survived this asteroid impact however because he was a part of some elite team that was supposed to rebuild the life on earth and was in a stasis mode (recall Ellen Ripley and her team at the start of the Aliens movie). As a result, the Ark inhabitants were injected with 'Nanotrites' - a technology that allows them to survive the stasis' hypersleep mode. The supreme reigning faction in the game referred to as the 'Authority', serves as a pseudo government and opposes the movements of the Arks. Then there is the 'Resistance' who opposes the 'Authority' and their motives.

The gameplay is largely linear and ultimately revolves around the player moving to different factions of the resistance and gaining their support. We are tasked with several objectives such as fetching several items (such as the parts of a buggy or schematics for an advanced RC explosive car), make some device or equipment operational (such as a radio tower), eliminating opposition at some random locations etc. Other than the primary objectives, the player can also take up side quests offered at the job boards or by the strangers. Completing them or not is purely left to the player. The entirety of the game requires the player to travel to the several destinations via buggies or ATVs. They may be outfitted with miniguns, rocket launchers or pulse cannons. The performance of the vehicle can be improved and tuned such as the suspension, armor, engine, tyres etc. Decals can be added to the vehicles to change their looks. These improvements can be done at a garage. There are plenty of challenges and races that can be taken up. Completing them rewards the player with race certificates (which unlocks further races) and reputation. A large part of the gameplay also involves looting and scavenging which resembles an RPG game. There are a gazillion items strewn around the wasteland ranging from coffee cups to books to gas and oil cans. The inventory capacity is virtually unlimited with no weight or storage quota limitations and the player can collect as many junk items as he desires to. Several schematics can be collected and specific items may be built at the engineering dossier. For instance, to make a bandage, you require cloth rags and antiseptics. They can later be traded for money at the trading outpost located at each faction. The game also features a robust arsenal. At any point in the game, four weapons can be assigned to the quick slots while carrying the remaining in the inventory. Most of them may be enhanced later when their respective upgrades are performed. Gore forms a vital part of the game (like any other id game) and the enemy can be butchered into minced meat from the blow of a shotgun up close or a rocket launcher or even the wingblades! The wingblade that resembles a boomerang is a brilliant weapon and can later be improved to target 3 foes at a time!

The visuals of the game have been pretty good but quite underwhelming or at least to me TBH. Considering that the Tech 5 engine was super hyped ever since the E3 demo happened, the least I was expecting here was something that could challenge the visuals of something in the likes of say Crysis 2 or The Witcher 2! Get this - the player does NOT cast a shadow at any point in the game whereas the rest of the objects in the world do! Texture popping seems to be another flaw here and some of the textures simply fail to load. However, the occurrence is random if I may add. Despite all those, character modeling and facial animation is brilliant and so is the level design. The asteroid-struck wastelands and some of the levels such as the abandoned distillery, power plant etc have been very thoughtfully designed. Sound tracks are reminiscent of the classic id games. The default game does not feature several essential graphics options such as V-Sync for instance. As a result, screen tearing was horrid and the only workaround was using the AMD Catalyst 11.10 Version 2 preview driver which enabled the V-Sync by default. I couldn't be bothered tweaking any further with the custom cfg file. I cannot understand why such a basic option seemed to have been missing in a title coming from id's stables! This was a major disappointment. The preview driver also addresses several other issues as laid out in the link.

9+ hours into the game, I have reached the Subway Town and completed several objectives. Hopeful of completing the title in a day or two. Hard-core FPS or id fans may not be disappointed so give this a shot. :)
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Gannu said:
Alright so I've been playing RAGE




so give this a shot. :)

This is what I was waiting for. A proper review in house. Thanks for this. Just might try this.
asingh said:
Just might try this.

You should Anil! I am pretty sure you would like it for what it offers.

Heck, if you played FEAR 3, there's nothing stopping you from playing this one! :D

How much of a borderlands clone is this. Loved that to the core. If this is something like that (openworld, sandboxish, RPG-elements) i will really love to get my hands on it.
Hard-core FPS or id fans may not be disappointed so give this a shot.

Repped Gannu..Thanks for this...

Might I add....the driving it intense as well, not like Dirt or anything but more like MotorStorm but fun as hell and even fans of racing would like this, I certainly enjoyed the racing bits, I can't wait to get home and finally get the some more races done.

I really believe that the game is very good, iD IMO got all the essentials right, The driving mechanics are fun, The Shooting style is Pure iD, if you guys know what I mean. Graphics I believe are over the top, yes Crysis 2 and BF3 are there but they are different, they both have nice scenery, here iD devlopers have used a lot of creativity and have come up with the amazing wasteland. No I have not played Borderlands, but played Fallout, but these are just very nice, each area is a work of art just like in BioShock.

Somehow at times it makes me think of Red Dead Redemption too, just the outback kinda theme maybe...and way more futuristic....Anyhow I am glad I am liking it :)
Gameplay is absolute crap. Its a mish-mash of the corridor shooter and a off-road arcade driving game. Worst part is there is no continuity of the world. The game forces you to drive to your objective (the few races the game has are quite fun though), then you need to get down from the vehicle and enter indoors and face with a loading screen. It could be much better if everything was nice and seamless with few loading screens in between. On top of that the game is BUGGY. On my HD 6970+HD 6950 crossfire setup, the game doesn't use the scond GPU and also utilizes only about 70% of the first GPU. The performance is variable and the graphics are not too fancy. Overall this game is EPIC fail for me. I hoped for much better.
I'm just at start of the game , will pick this as I'm close to finishing GeoW 3 does the game has large bosses ?
^^ Yes it has Huge bosses like GOW.

Also, I think there is a patch out now that fixes the following:

- Implemented workaround for AMD driver crash right after intro cinematic on Win 7 32-bit systems.

- Disabled UBOs because they are causing animation issues with AMD drivers. Don’t allow swap-tear to be enabled on AMD while the extension is not exposed because it may crash.

- Support for new video settings: “texture cache”, “vsync”, and ”anisotropic filter”

- Automatically adjust vt_maxPPF based on the number of available cores.

- Improved performance for SLI cards when GPU transcode is enabled.

- Fix for GPU Transcoding option being disabled after exiting gameplay.

- Added safe mode to restore video settings to default values.

- Allow g_fov to be changed from the RAGE launch options in Steam.

- Server now forwards text chat from clients to all other clients while in-game.
I think I spoke too soon. Guys, be prepared for an even bigger disappointment i.e. the ending! :(

The game just concluded and without a fcuking boss battle! This wasn't so id! I was expecting a big bad ass mutant or some Authority chief to turn up towards the end and it all happened in a matter of minutes. There were few authority soldiers and heavies to be taken down. And some of them mutants and that's it. The player uploads some data into the Nexus core and BAM! That's it, a small cutscene ensues and the credits sequence begins rolling out. :(

To make matters worse there is no cutscene shown after the credits roll out.

However, there is supposedly a life saver before the finale! Before the final mission begins, the player is given a kick ass weapon. Remember the chain gun in Quake 2 and Q3:TA? The one that resembles a mini-gun and pumps out bullets emptying the ammo in a matter of seconds? Guess what! The chain gun got itself a bigger badder brotha. Ladies and gentlemen, behold the Authority Pulse Cannon! *drums rolling*

And what is an id game without the Big Fcuking Gun aka BFG right? Worry not, for we have the alternate ammunition for the pulse cannon i.e. the BFG rounds. Instantly vaporizes the lucky few fortunate to be on the other end of the barrel! :D

All in all a solid game that certainly deserves credits where due. It could have been definitely better had id paid attention to the finer details of the game other than the visuals. Anyhow,*here's me bidding adieu until Doom 4 is out.*
Nope.. I mean, you CAN crouch behind objects, but you can't peek around corners and stuff.
All this while the enemy can do not just this, but also much more complicated stuff.
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