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My cousin sis's rahki will be commin from NewYork.
and there is one cousin sis here , so will be visiting here tomm.

And my real sis also , she will tie me the rakhi first and ask me for a present ;)

Also tomm we are mass bunking college , dont want ne rakhis is college ;)
We has pracs tomm but pre poned it today and we will be bunking lec's so tomm is
a holiday will be visiting relatives.
bluediamond said:
wow some funny answers!!.. for many its bankruptcy day, and for others its a marathon day huh?

Ya, but that dosent mean we hate that day ;)
I love my family and my sisters and i dont feel ashamed admitting it :)
Hope my sister is not reading this
funkymonkey said:
Ya, but that dosent mean we hate that day ;)
I love my family and my sisters and i dont feel ashamed admitting it :)
Hope my sister is not reading this
Hmm.... LOL
Yeah Right sisters

Banruptcy day 4 me of course
Have no sisters of my own but there are always those irritating cousins(and i dont have to worry bout them readin this coz they dont use the net)
And yeah I am lucky no school tomorrow so tht saves sum moolah
funkymonkey said:
Ya, but that dosent mean we hate that day ;)
I love my family and my sisters and i dont feel ashamed admitting it :)
Hope my sister is not reading this

SO funky u too started putting ur msgs in white.....Will rub off when the new skins will come :P:P
BTW only one sister .....as for cousins ....not very close to (m)any....so dad will just have 2 pay a little rokda to my sis ;);)No khali jeb's for me for me
same here mine sis also ties rakhi ..... but this time i am not at home :( .... so she has just send me a card along with rakhi ..... about the money and gifts this time its the reverse :) .... she is also sending me some money for mine new rig .....
rahul said:
same here mine sis also ties rakhi ..... but this time i am not at home :( .... so she has just send me a card along with rakhi ..... about the money and gifts this time its the reverse :) .... she is also sending me some money for mine new rig .....

I wud luv to have a sister like that
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