Random IEM / Headphone Rants

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Hmm, another player , Which one ?

and yeah it certainly wont sell anything comparable to the M2 but , still if Both Pristinenote and Amarbir bring them here we might see some good pricing on on the B2 ( competition RULES :D )

. and it will certainly sell some good nos.

and i think you will buy them as well ! :P ( one who wants both ck10 and DBA-02 )
Damn! where can I hide? :cry:


I think there are differences to owning CK10 and DBA-02 than DBA-02 + B2. In a way, they all use the same drivers, so it does not make any sense.

But then, I think CK10 and DBA-02 would be a bit different sounding. I doubt if DBA and B2 are different sounding.

Besides, CK10's build quality has been hailed as one of the best. I really do need to hear how they fare against each other rather than going by head-fi posts. Only limited people seem to have heard both. mvw2 does not hear DBA-02 the same way as I do, but he has an interesting take on CK10. rawrster and joker are probably the only others I know that have heard both, but they both seemed to have bought / retained CK10 and not DBA-02. Is there a pattern there? But, I still would need to verify any assumption with my own ears and sell off the other one. So, TE should be prepared for my DBA-02 or CK10 sale in the coming months ;)

Edit: But I don't mind if I get B2 on loan though :lick:
Btw how much do you think the seal/fit affects these opinions? Is it possible that it would actually have more of an effect than the actual drivers, especially in close comparisons?
Seal/Fit, Tips can definitely affect the opinion. Whatever be the capability of the driver, the tip and seal are the last mile. Some IEMs are great with a deeper seal, a few are better with a shallow seal. I did not get M6's signature until I had the proper fit and seal. Tips are not a "one size fits all" affair either. Depending on one's ear canal shape and how the IEM can be generally inserted, a tip can change your opinion from the IEM sounding "good" to "excellent". But, can it make a good sounding driver, 'bad'? I don't think so.

Now, in this specific case, is it possible that mvw2 did not have a proper seal or the tip? I'd doubt that. Is it possible for a person who has used several IEMs to not know how to get a proper fit and seal? No. But is it possible that he got it on loan and did not use the same tips as I do? possible. And we know that changing tips can 'shape' the sound differently.

He thinks that bass is not good. I think DBA-02's bass sounds "natural" on most music, just not very rounded or good on quantity like some dynamics. Joker's views seem to agree with it. I think I'll have a proper assessment of his posts once I get CK10 and compare them side by side. May be I'll understand his point of view better.
This may sound like me goin crazy but i've not heard the TF/CK10 since the time i've gotten the SM3. I think that says it all.
^^ dont worry its natural, If you dont sell it in 1-2 days of owning them. You go crazy ! :P ( ..j/k )

but yeah this SM3 thing is getting to me !! every one likes them ! WTH.

@santosh, as CK10's build is legendary its only natural to side with CK10 , between CK10 and DBA. Also DBA's are scarce , one should get what he paid for if he is willing to sell them.

Dont get me wrong , Even i want to hear both DBA -02 and CK 10. we are on the same boat . But i on the other hand want a loaner. :P

And what about the Westone 4. of course they are not on another level, but still i am yet to read any bad comments on them.

are you not interested?
Westone 4, UM3X (unless UM4X comes out, which I doubt), DDM 2, Sony EX1000, Monster Miles Davis Tribute and lower down - Eterna V1 / V2, Silver Bullet : Just a few of the IEMs I want to try. Wanna sponsor? ;)

I can keep buying IEMs for life - enough said :)
Some guy on jaben is selling his SM3 for 350SGD.
I think i should write a mini review of the CK10 in my free time. It should help you guys in deciding. If I have to give my impressions in a few counted words, i'd say the ck10 are analytical in nature, with boosted treble(nothing that a lil eqing can't fix eh? ;) ), there is little to no subbass depending on the song, the mids are neither recessed nor upfront, the sound is detailed and the soundstage is the biggest i've heard till date, instrument seperation is only second to the UM3x(which is still the king of seperation, IMHO), imaging is comparable with Customs, its accurate and gives a pin point representation.
The overall synergy of the above makes them very fast, detailed, punchy and fresh sounding. The Build quality is solid, the cables are tangle free and as long as the TF10 but seem slightly longer as they don't curl and the iem end. The case and tips are nothing fancy considering their price and what other manufactures offer.
These are the only iems i've come across so far which make me turn around and look back to see if someone said something when theres no one and its just the song. So far these are the most comfortable iems when worn from over the ear. If any of you feel differently, please share your experiences with the CK10.
--- Updated Post - Automerged ---
O yea....I don't how much this would help but another observation is that the SM3 sounds like a night club compared to the CK10, just smaller in width and treble anemic. :hap5:
Lovely thread! Wonder how I didn't come across this all this time..

I'm enjoying my JH5's everyday. They continue to WOW me now and then, even after 8 months. I'm slowly saving up for the JH16/JH13, which should keep me happy for a long time till I settle down somewhere long term. (back home?)

Keep in mind, from Jan 2010 to August 2010(when I got the JH5's) I've been continuously buying and selling cans($200-$400) range, and none of them kept me happy for long. (Maybe except the DT880 600 Ohm, BUT paired with the WA6).

Although, I do miss the DT880 + WA6 setup. You'll really need to hear Beyer's (600ohms) with great tubes (WA6, WA6 SE with Sophia Princess and the likes), the way the setup sounds is beautiful..

Still, the urge to spend on new audio equipment has gone since I got the Protector + JH5's. :D The DAC has remained the same throughout though, Gamma-2. Great DAC.
JH5 must be great ... but now there are loads of options to decide between .

1964 and UM have great Line up at Awesome price. And gathering good reviews as well.

BTW when are you coming back to india ? ( I want to buy stuff from US :ashamed: )
I'm not getting anything for anyone! My own bags will be packed with my stuff, I'll be coming back for 3 and half months..
I'll be landing in India on May 15th. I leave my uni on May 6th, for SFO to attend Google I/O.

So, how long has it been since you got the Miracle, strategy? Any updated impressions?
Woaahh, 15th may?? i'll be coming on the 13th of May.....I see another Head-fi mumbai meet coming up with more iems, hps, amps, dacs than people on this audio section. ^o

On second thought that would be just counting Faheem's iems. 40+ if i'm not mistaken :P
Whoz on?? People from outside mumbai are also welcome to join, we can organize a mega event :D
Superfrag said:
I'll be landing in India on May 15th. I leave my uni on May 6th, for SFO to attend Google I/O.

So, how long has it been since you got the Miracle, strategy? Any updated impressions?
LOL you want impressions !

i have sent the miracle back for refitting !

In my impressions i said i am not getting good isolation. after around 15 days of use i gathered that the fit in my left ear is not adequate, so now they are with amarbir :(

he will send them back for refitting.

15 May !! ?!! , THATS my birthday !!


i think its time to think about my gift :P
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