Audio Random IEM / Headphone Rants

Mephistopheles said:
Didnt want to create a thread for this so asking it here, does anybody know of a decent carry case? I need it for my RE262, I really dont want them to die on me because Head-direct is so cheap to not provide a carry case for a $250 IEM :(

Should be <500, although the lesser the merrier
well actually they gave the re262 free with the HM602. thats why you did not get a case . the HM602 has a BIG classy looking case ( on the out side atleast ) ( no space for IEM in it though , besides just throwing them any where in the box )

last i checked TF10 metal case were available for sale. ( i mean UE sells them )
meanwhile , Joker gave the 1964-t a 10 and revalued other IEMs.

SM3 stands at 9.7

JVC FX700 at 9.6

CK10 at 9.6

now i want him to review the sony.

But yeah he sure has heard many IEMs but he said in the JVC review that he does not own them( most of the tip-tiers reviewed ) anymore. So, this decrease in the scores is all from memory, so,

i think it does not give the clear picture. ( but still this one is the best you can get ( 150 IEMs review :O ))
The re-scaling is not from 'memory', but he has an internal scoring system for each and every component. So, he re-scaled it to bring down the differences to 0.1 level. He can do double digits later if he wants to ;). But I like this current system better as it brings out the minor differences very well. For instance, RE0, RE-ZERO, HJE900 all had a score of 9.0 (pre-SM3), now look at where each one stands.
What i am saying is that :

consider CK10, he does not own it (currently ) , earlier he gave them 10/10 , but now its 9.6/10.

It went this way 10>9.75>9.6 . But, while this 0.4 was deducted, he did not have the CK10 to actually try them.

Thats what i am saying is from memory.

yeah i know all this was done to accommodate the new standard ,( as the 1964-t raised the bar. ). i am not blaming the new scoring system.

I am saying that as he is comparing them from his memory of the said IEM (that is what does not give a crystal clear picture. )

it can be that if he hears the CK 10 again now, he rates them 9.8 !!
Not really! As far as I understand, the sound scoring system is "relative", which is the keyword here. It's impossible to have all the IEMs to compare against one another. I can argue that he did not have CK10 (though I think he still has one or is it CK100?) when he had FI-BA-SS, FX700 and 1964-T. So, CK10 could even score lower - theoretically speaking.

If he adjusted scores based on his feel, then re-rated them, it would be wrong. But I doubt he does that. Have a look at this post. His own scoring system would probably give the IEMs some points (otherwise 9.675 may not have been arrived at). He is just weighting the scores based on the highest scoring IEM. So, it's all relative. It's not a rating adjustment, just a 'scale' adjustment. Instead of rounding 9.614 and 9.554 to 9.75, it's now 9.6 and 9.8. That's how I understand it! But, I am not ljokerl, so I am just giving a possible theory.

For my tastes, CK10 is :lick:
BF1983 said:
^^ But Benny gives it only a mercy listen from time to time. :D
I am not even gonna try and justify that. I think its quite obvious. The SM3 stole the damn show along wid the audience.
You outta all the people will hate the CK10 brendon. Its too harsh for your Extra Sensitive Ears :p . Probably get the Sm3 for its warmer sound sig.
Yep! CK10 is great for treble heads like me who don't mind the grand 10 Khz peak. It's not for those who need a good quantity of bass or those who prefer midrange / vocal oriented listeners. I'd stick with dynamic IEMs for that kind of taste.

That said, it's technically a great IEM (fast, resolving, clean, neutral, analytical) with amazing front to rear placement. I thought DBA-02 was good with front to rear placement (i.e., far better than RE0) until I heard the CK10. They both (and Brainwavz B2 as well) share the same driver, so there are plenty of things that are common between them.

I had read plenty of posts on head-fi where mvw2 claims CK10's technical superiority over DBA-02. Based on his posts on RE252 and RE262, I expected that CK10 would be far superior than DBA-02. The differences between RE252 and RE262 were easily audible (loud, clean driver, plenty of throw etc., etc.,) and those differences do impact their final presentation to an extent. But, with CK10 and DBA-02, even though he may be technically correct (CK10 > DBA-02: greater dynamic range, filling of bass notes etc., etc.,), during normal listening, they are more closer to each other than they are different. I like CK10 a bit better because of the superior imaging and a slew of other minor factors.

For me, CK10 along with SM3 and FX700 are three IEMs that make listening very relaxing - but for different reasons. I am yet to do a long and proper A/B between CK10 and DBA-02 except for a brief comparison. Based on that brief comparison and how CK10 appeals to me, I'd consider it an 'upgrade', though a minor one from DBA-02. Build quality is another story altogether where CK10 takes the lead by a wide margin. DBA-02 still got it's own strengths and at half the price is more affordable to many. Unfortunately, the OEM factory in China goes out of the way to ensure that despite having two re-brands (DBA-02 and B2), you wait forever to get your hands on them.

Edit: James444 may have saved me from going all out for EX1000, though my curiosity could get the better of me :ashamed: -
Hmm, yeah i do like the aggressive nature of Fx700. But as i listen to it more now ( i do miss the Miracle :cry: ), i do feel like i want a little faster bass ( and slightly less warm overall tone.), every thing else is great.

also the EX1000 review of Headfonia praises it too much, compares it to R10.

also the the review compares to the other unicversal toptiers :

The Sony is similar to the Audio Technica CK100 sound, but with a better tonal balance, soundstage, and without the signature BA transients. In comparison to another Japanese IEM like the Ortofon e-Q7, the Sony has a bit more toe-tapping factor than the Ortofon. It can play mellow songs quite well, but it’s not extremely mellow like the Ortofon. The Sony is also cleaner and less grainy than the Ortofon.

And the ending climax just sucks you IN ! ( i have read this review many times to really understand what it really means )
Previously, most people’s quest for a high end IEM would be limited to the customs molded stuff. Not anymore, as the Sony EX1000 is here to provide a fresh alternative to the high end IEM world.

in the past month my playlist has had ( mostly ) vocal Jazz , jazz and country music , so the smoother presentation EX1000 sure is appealing to me !

ONLY ONE THING STOPS ME NOW ( well two things, but money can be saved with time ) :


i dont know why my ears just hate the hybrids, they slide off every 5 minutes ( the smaller sizes) and the bigger size is BAD :(

i like the FX700 tips, they are very good IMO. But am not sure if they will fit the EX1000 ( hay, dont think that i am buying the EX1000 )
^ Off the Headfonia review, "Not as mellow as e-Q7" is an interesting thing for me. On the 'praises it too much' part, that's always a pattern at Headfonia.

If you hate the fit of Sony Hybrids, you can always use other tips like order the Monster Gel / Foam tips. EX1000 comes with a humongous collection of tips anyway. So, you never know ;)
mukulymn said:
so after all ths..........who is getting ex1000 first
It suits you , you must get it first.

Awesome mids , Awesome treble , good bass ( a little less in quantity, but well extended ). if i am not wrong that is what you were looking for ! a mixture of RE0 and RE1 , right?

I am not getting it first thats for sure . :)
strategy said:
It suits you , you must get it first.

Awesome mids , Awesome treble , good bass ( a little less in quantity, but well extended ). if i am not wrong that is what you were looking for ! a mixture of RE0 and RE1 , right?

I am not getting it first thats for sure . :)

LOL.........i m happy wth my eq-ed re262 for the time being

anyhow i m seraching for a portable player right now for thm

hooked to sflo but they r unstable and can die any moment on u

waiting for x3 or next iteration of sflo

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FaH33m said:
Are their any reviews of the 1964-Quads and what are the general impressions of them ?
Feels like someone else is getting customs soon
Not really.Just considering the option.Keeping 2-3 top-tier makes no sense to me when I know I won't be using all of them . Lets see my new IEM is on its way .Hope I like it more than TF10.

Customs are risky , you never know what exactly you are gonna get unless you get to demo it . The same can be risked for universals as you can sell them for a small loss if you dont like them , but its not the same for customs :(.
FaH33m said:
Keeping 2-3 top-tier makes no sense to me when I know I won't be using all of them .

Thts wht i thnk too.

But i want a dynamic custom thn a BA

I sumtime back read tht hifiman send some dynamic drivers to people to remold thm into custom earpieces and tell thr opinion

Ths may sound crazy but seems like they may launch a dynamic custom soon like futuresonic

Otherwise i will be happy with a very good dynamic universal (EX1000 with in radar)

for Mephistopheles