FaH33m said:Keeping 2-3 top-tier makes no sense to me when I know I won't be using all of them
It works for me though . I am almost sure I won't be getting a custom. But top-tier universals? I will add more if I can. One thing is that with top-tiers, I can be sure that it won't suck completely and won't be severely lacking. Secondly, I don't like monotony. If I had one perfect IEM that does everything well, I'll anyway get bored and seek some weakness - something different in no time. I've listened to the same album through three different IEMs this week - each bringing it's own perspective to the fore. Thirdly, my tastes don't remain the same (also due to the monotony factor). Sometimes, I spend lot of time with Bach and Mozart, sometimes with Opeth, sometimes I seek something heavy. I am not sure what I'd listen to tomorrow. It's just one short life. Why restrict the choices? - That's just one man's view and may not work out for the 99.9% of people.
That said, I'd have to clean up some of the budget and garden variety IEMs I have. They make less sense unless they have a specialty.
On Quads, ericp10 was supposed to write a review. Not sure if he posted it.
Hifiman did that 'custom experiment' long time ago - before the RE262 was launched. Now, even RE262 has not been officially launched. Wonder what goes on behind the scenes.