I auditioned the LCD2 rev2.
Crap I knew I was forgetting something, I din't ask about the HE6, there were just sooooo many headphones to try and it was closing time for the shop so I had to leave. I did manage to find time to pick up the jMoney pads for the D5000 though

and ZOMG Soundstage!!
I never said the LCD2 was bass lacking bro......could you quote me please?
Infact the LCD2 have a very good bass, very neutral, not the fastest, it has a slight decay and a good PRaT.
Bass quantity wise its
D5000 > LCD2 > Tesla T1 > HD800.
Mids -
LCD2 > HD800 > D5000 > T1
Treble -
T1 > HD800 > LCD2 > D5000
Detailing -
T1 > HD800 > LCD2 > D5000
Soundstage (width & height) -
HD800 > LCD2 > T1 > D5000
Imaging -
HD800 > T1 > LCD2 > D5000
Musically(Now this is subjective) -
LCD2 > D5000 > T1 > HD800
When I say musically I mean the headphones I din't wanna take off my head, the one I enjoyed the most. And trust me the positions could swap depending on my mood and the genre I'm listening, but on a whole, thats the order I'd wanna listen to. Simply cause the LCD2 has a good balance of a lotta things, the D5000 has a good bottom end which suits my genre very well, the T1 has superb detailing and an analytical sound second to none, the HD800 would be the last amongst the others simply cause I will have to sit in an extremely quiet environment to enjoy them which is not always possible. Also cause of the lack of the bottom end.
From what've read about the HD800, they are very biased towards the amp they're paired with. These headphones were auditioned with the Beyerdynamic A1 and stand true for only that amp.