Random IEM / Headphone Rants

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Fischer Audio has stopped their cooperation with GD AudioBase - buy Fischer Audio, Sunrise Audio at the best prices!

Fischer Audio said:
Dear Friends,

We strongly recommend not to buy any products on the web-site GD AudioBase - buy Fischer Audio, Sunrise Audio at the best prices!.
They delay the shipment for around 2-3 months or even do not ship at all and not refund money.
We stop the cooperation with them and recommend to everybody!
Thank you for your attention!

Damn gd-audiobase's reputation is getting worse day by day:sleep:

then what store they recommend i.e, noisy motel or the frogbeats
can some one suggest me weather to go for brainwavz m2 or klipsch image s4......... coming from EP630...
budget is 4k.......any other suggestion regarding alternatives is welcome
.listens to mainly bollywood songs(old ones mainly and indian semi-classical) and vocals......cannot decide any suggestions will be helpful
also wanna buy locally not really confidant about importing
It would be mad to get Cowon X9 when a plethora of players are available with better specs. Surely, many on iaudiophile sound uninterested. Cowon seems to be stuck in a time warp and basically every one of their new players seems to be a rehash of the old.

But, the rated battery life of 110 hours (assume 50% with FLAC, even that is HUGE) and no Android (which they don't seem to have a hang of) and Jet Effects 5 kind of attracts me. It seems to be heavy at 159g (double of S9 @ 79 gms, but still roughly half of my QA350 @ 300 gms). Price at exportprive for 32gb is $260. If only they produced one with a digital out and line out :(
i was also seeing the reviews of esanthosh and based on SQ he has put brainwavz m1 and m2 in same tier......but since the cost wold differ m2>m1 by 1k as seen at ebay.....from pristinenote...........which one would better suite me according to my listening taste as i mainly listen to bollywood songs(old ones mainly and indian semi-classical) and vocals..........total noob regarding these....advise will be very helpful........also should i totaly rule out klipsch image s4....and go for the brainwavz??
First off, my SQ tiers are a broad representation of how those IEMs sound to my ear i.e., my own tastes and preferences. But each person's preferences are a little different. I might consider Brainwavz M4 to be better than M1, but some would consider a lower placed PL11 to be far better than M4.

It's a tricky question - unless you hear a few IEMs, you do not know exactly know which are your preferences - how you like your bass (quantity or quality - which is more important?), sound stage (wide or can you live with narrow), treble (sparkle or polite?), mids (up front vocals or placed back in the stage?) and so on.

In any case, your listening taste seems to place a lot of emphasis on vocals. I feel that if your budget allows it, Brainwavz M3 might suit you a bit better than either of M2 or S4. If you want to keep it between the two, I'd have to say M2. M2 has a closed in presentation with vocals up front. S4's vocals are placed a little back, a tad thin sounding. I think S4's sibilance might also hurt vocals in a few recordings.
thanx 4 the reply.....
cant get M3 at least locally(not in ebay,).....also can you suggest anything else within 4-4.5k available locally (ebay)...
in case of bass the quality is more preferable for me, i like deep bass with good vocals clarity.........clarity is of importance
how would be these?.....seen good reviews
VSONIC GR06 High Fidelity Professional Quality Stereo Inner-Ear Earphones | eBay
will come within Rs.3588/-
and with a discount would be within Rs.3300/-
any suggestion.....also....since these will come from Hong Kong,.....will there be problems or any thing extra that needed to be paid....i am from kolkata....any idea

---------- Post added at 08:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:12 PM ----------

also how would be these Vsonic GR02 Bass | eBay

saw great review here .....rated good among costlier IEM.....http://www.head-fi.org/t/478568/mul...ars-superfi-5-pro-superfi-5-eb-added-07-23-12
hey im looking out for an budget iem around 800rs or so!!
which one is better soundmagic pl-11 or es18..??
or is there anything else better than these within my budget.!!
awaiting your reply thank's
and iv also got to know that the pl series has been replaced by then ES series, so which iem in the ES series is as good or better than the pl-11
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