Dunno if its the correct place to post this, but i am seriously upset with my office today. And loads of people here are working too, so just wanted to come in here and
about my stupid office. Here's what has happened so far.
No use telling which company i work for, but still, its among the "SO-CALLED-TOP-THREE-INDIAN-IT-GIANTS". Anyways, for the past 3 months i have been kept as a buffer resource. Simplified, that means, no work. Zilch. Zero. None at all. My Project Lead has been assuring us (our team) that we shall be put into a good project soon. Not that i am any eager to get into one, as i don't know sh** about coding and stuff, but still, some work would be better than no work at all.
Pay no doubt sucks, and to top it all, usage of internet is so damn restricted, i can only use google and thats about it. Everything else is blocked. And , my system admin it seems is some sort of a freaking geek. No matter what proxy you use, within a few days it gets blocked. I mean, its ok that you have blocked sites like orkut and gmail and yahoo mail and yahoo 360 for obvious reasons. But , even damn proxy sites are blocked!!
I have never heard of such a work environment. Surprisingly, few days back, it was on TV that my company happens to fall in the top 3 companies to work for in INDIA :rofl: Man, only if they knew how wonderful it is to work here.
Small incident i'd like to recollect. I was transferred from Hyderabad to Chennai in April'07 . During a transfer, we are put up at the company guest house(which was definitely not a guest house by any standards) and we are issued a relocation advance thingy(to take care of settling down in the new place and all). I raised a request for getting the relocation advance, and i was denied it instantly! I looked at the reason and nearly fell of the chair. The payroll people rejected my claim for relocation advance because they said i wasnt transferred:S :S . Finally after begging and squealing and cribbing to my Project Lead, i managed to get it sanctioned. took me 3 weeks to get something which should have been sanctioned in a few hours.
Again, if you dont submit the bills towards guest house stay(yes, its not free, we have to pay for it initially, and then get the bills reimbursed) the entire relocation advance is deducted from your salary. I couldn't submit it in time as the morons at the guest house had given me a bill without a bill number, so it was taken off my salary. So i spent another month without salary, barely making it through. When i submitted the fresh bills, my claim for reimbursement was rejected again!
Reason?? They said i wasnt transferred:rofl: :rofl: again. Again after a lot of squealing and shouting, i have managed to get it sanctioned, lets see when do they transfer it.
And today i am really really upset
. Being an ardent Potter fan
hyeah: i was so hoping to watch the movie this weekend. But my stupid company's network was down since morning, cuz of which i could not book the tickets for this weekend. And when i called up the network people, they said everything's working fine. Bunch of liars
. *&%$#@*&#$%
Sorry if this post seems offensive. Mode please dont ban me in case its that offensive. Thouroughly upset today people, so decided to come in here and rant.
How do you people feel about your workplace?

No use telling which company i work for, but still, its among the "SO-CALLED-TOP-THREE-INDIAN-IT-GIANTS". Anyways, for the past 3 months i have been kept as a buffer resource. Simplified, that means, no work. Zilch. Zero. None at all. My Project Lead has been assuring us (our team) that we shall be put into a good project soon. Not that i am any eager to get into one, as i don't know sh** about coding and stuff, but still, some work would be better than no work at all.
Pay no doubt sucks, and to top it all, usage of internet is so damn restricted, i can only use google and thats about it. Everything else is blocked. And , my system admin it seems is some sort of a freaking geek. No matter what proxy you use, within a few days it gets blocked. I mean, its ok that you have blocked sites like orkut and gmail and yahoo mail and yahoo 360 for obvious reasons. But , even damn proxy sites are blocked!!

Small incident i'd like to recollect. I was transferred from Hyderabad to Chennai in April'07 . During a transfer, we are put up at the company guest house(which was definitely not a guest house by any standards) and we are issued a relocation advance thingy(to take care of settling down in the new place and all). I raised a request for getting the relocation advance, and i was denied it instantly! I looked at the reason and nearly fell of the chair. The payroll people rejected my claim for relocation advance because they said i wasnt transferred:S :S . Finally after begging and squealing and cribbing to my Project Lead, i managed to get it sanctioned. took me 3 weeks to get something which should have been sanctioned in a few hours.
Again, if you dont submit the bills towards guest house stay(yes, its not free, we have to pay for it initially, and then get the bills reimbursed) the entire relocation advance is deducted from your salary. I couldn't submit it in time as the morons at the guest house had given me a bill without a bill number, so it was taken off my salary. So i spent another month without salary, barely making it through. When i submitted the fresh bills, my claim for reimbursement was rejected again!

And today i am really really upset

Sorry if this post seems offensive. Mode please dont ban me in case its that offensive. Thouroughly upset today people, so decided to come in here and rant.
How do you people feel about your workplace?