Rant about my office

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digital_brain said:
man!! you guys are scaring me :P ..i will be joining one of those IT Giants (c0Gn|z@n1) with in a year !!!

I dont want to scare you. BUT

one of my friend who joined that company in Sep 2006, was on bench till June 2007, after which he decided to shift to @md0c5.
If I'm right about his co, the list of blocked sites varies from DC to DC. A lot of stuff that was blocked at my old DC isnt blocked here :ohyeah:
Arre chill re still coming to B'lore, didnt accept the Infy offer and by d looks of it one of the best things I did...lol...

Gonna be joining Iflex (small co.) or Accy (Big Company). Hope noone here has bad things to say about these, cause then I'd be shit scared and in BIG BIG toruble lol...

@Nikhil, a mechie eh, well good luck to ya, but you better know what you learn cause they ask the shit out of every detail during placements. As told to me by my Mechie friends...lol...

@Masky, don't worry, gonna come to Mysore during some weekends, treat due :rofl:
Deepak said:
@Nikhil, a mechie eh, well good luck to ya, but you better know what you learn cause they ask the shit out of every detail during placements. As told to me by my Mechie friends...lol...

All I know in mechanical is cars and automobiles and how they work. Everything else is a biiig blank :P
^^ Better start slogging those heavy books then, else you'll be posting the same thread a few years down the line :P
Lord Nemesis said:
Well thats what happens in the so called Indian IT Gaints. When my friend joined Infosys, for the first 8 months he had no work at all. Then the next year and a half he worked like 12~16 hours a day. Also recognizing and rewarding skills is very poor in these companies due to the massive number of employees working. My sister is working for Satyam and she as massive amount of work there without proper recognition.

As for me, I decided very early that I am not going to join any of the Indian IT Gaints. I didnt even bother to apply or attend interviews for the same in campus recruitments.

The company (MNC) I currently work for is a major product (software) developer (Windows and Mac) in the Publishing industry. The strength of the company is hardly 1500. Theres enough work for every one and as far as I am concerned, I work from 10 AM to 7 PM and very rarely I have had to work more than the required 10 hours per day. The work is still challenging and you get the satisfaction that millions of people are going to see the code you have written in action.

I have the satisfaction that my skills and good work were apppreciated and aslo been recognized as one of the top/important contributers. I have also earned more than 35k in the form of spot bounuses in less than 2.5 years.

As far as pay packets are concerned, I cannot say its the best in the industry like in Microsoft or Adobe, But still and I have the satisfaction that mine was almost Quadrapuled in just 2.5 years (which is a decent feat considering that I have been working at the same organization and not shifted.) and its among the top if not the best. Last year, I got a record increment of 90% because of recognition of my performance as being exceptional. This kind of recognition and rewarding just simply does not/cannot happen in the so called Indian IT Gaints.

You into Quark express.:)
LOL, welcome to B.Tech m8, hope these are internal exams though, even I would pick up the books by now if I had my sem exams at 9 in d morning...
RiO said:
Who said the pay is the same? And stock options are a major part of your package at a startup. I've worked for startups only to gain the experience I will need when I start my own company ;)

You misunderstand, i said, if you have to work 2-3 times as hard u better be getting 2-3 times it back in pay. That's a general rule. I've known ppl work in finance house that only paid them 1.5 times for the 2 times+ they put in.

Options, hehe. I' ve seen enough friends go down that route during the dot bomb days. There is a reason startups are full of young ppl they are good places to get experience, while you are still idealistic & cheap to hire. As to getting more experienced hires,, hehe, there better be something better than options on the table. The odds of a company making it big are slim at best.

Good luck when you start your company.
Guys in company such as infy,TCS,Accenture,HCL can expect a lot of junk work as well a lot of benchie time .

In fact a friend of mine ,joined accenture becos he wanted to study for cat .:P .You may also get good work in these companies but chances are less.

My advice to freshers is always try to get into product development.you can expect a lot of challenging work there.Altough it is not everybodys peice of cake.Prefer small companies over established large firms(Microsoft,Adobe,google,amazon are exception). Yahoo standard has come down these days.These firms have a exceptional selection process in place and you cannot get into these companies easily ,escpecially the core
divison .

Try to change your job or do some certification or do MBA.
Certifications are hardly useful IMO, the farthest they'll take you is help you get that job, after that its your iron all the way.

But yes I agree with sandy regarding Product devt, its prolly the hardest and most of all you get to do everything from devt to testing to sometimes even engineering the product design if you are lucky enough.
Deepak said:
LOL, welcome to B.Tech m8, hope these are internal exams though, even I would pick up the books by now if I had my sem exams at 9 in d morning...

nope.... these are my final end-of-sem exams :rofl:
Off you go then, get studying, pull up an all nighter....

The same all nighters which have ruined me, lol, now cant sleep till 4 in the morning usually
Deepak said:
Off you go then, get studying, pull up an all nighter....

The same all nighters which have ruined me, lol, now cant sleep till 4 in the morning usually

lol... I dont think I have the capability to pull off an all-nighter.

3 years of engineering and I still dont have that talent :P
Nikhil said:
I dont think I have the capability to pull off an all-nighter.

3 years of engineering and I still dont have that talent

Its called caffiene my friend, get addicted...
Deepak said:
Its called caffiene my friend, get addicted...

naaah.... I value my sleep a lot :P

And secondly, I have another exam tomorrow. So, if I stay awake today, I will sleep the rest of the day and will not be able to study for tomorrow's exam :P
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