From The Hindu (dated Jan 5th, 2013):
"RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has said rapes are prevalent primarily in 'India' due to western influence and that such crimes did not happen in 'Bharat' i.e rural India."
Are these people out of their friggin' minds?
Why do many people in this country illogically associate 'westernization' (which is such a broad term it encompasses all sorts of things, both positive and negative) with things like alcohol, drugs, rapes etc. ? These things have been prevalent in this country even before the Brits ever came here.
What about those lorry drivers and rickshaw-walas who get drunk on cheap liquor, go home, beat their wives up and harass them for dowry/money etc. ? What exposure do these people even have to 'western' influences ?
Also, in the same way this pseudo-logic of associating the west with all the (perceivedly) horrible things out there is used, why can't one go to the other extreme and associate, in just as illogical a manner, the west with scientific thinking, rationality, progress, sexual emancipation etc. ?
No, I am NOT anti-Indian, pro-western. That would be ridiculous. I'm just trying to be objective.
If we stop using ideas based on where they originated, we might as well stop using antibiotics, cars, computers, cell phones and just about everything else that makes life livable.
For example, the neurologist Vilayanur Subramanian Ramachandran came up with the mirror box technique to alleviate distress in amputees who have phantom limb pain. Does this mean we should consider this achievement as an instance of the 'Indianisation' of 'western science' and bar all white people who could potentially benefit from this technique from using it ? That would seem ludicrous to most minds. But when it comes to adopting anything that first came from the west, many Indians hesitate and start blaming their 'culture' (another blanket term) , even if what is being adopted is objectively right.
Both the west and India (and other parts of the world really) have all sorts of people and these people come up with all sorts of ideas. Both good and bad. By using blanket terms like 'westernisation' and 'Indianisation' we are inhibiting change/progress, doing a disservice to great ideas and ultimately causing damage to ourselves.
Also, might I add, in the same terminology of the RSS chief, that even in 'India' it is more likely these 'Bharat' types who are raping 'Indians'. The recent case in Delhi would be an example.
I remember in Mangalore, ABVP (I think it was them or maybe someone else) activists beat up people in a certain pub under the garb of protecting Indian culture. They even partially stripped some girls in some cases.
One of the biggest issues is, there is no unity amongst us civilised/educated people against these dihati types. Till we don't stand up together they will harass our men, women and children.
Wish I could edit the title and put a comma in between 'India' and 'not'.
"RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has said rapes are prevalent primarily in 'India' due to western influence and that such crimes did not happen in 'Bharat' i.e rural India."
Are these people out of their friggin' minds?
Why do many people in this country illogically associate 'westernization' (which is such a broad term it encompasses all sorts of things, both positive and negative) with things like alcohol, drugs, rapes etc. ? These things have been prevalent in this country even before the Brits ever came here.
What about those lorry drivers and rickshaw-walas who get drunk on cheap liquor, go home, beat their wives up and harass them for dowry/money etc. ? What exposure do these people even have to 'western' influences ?
Also, in the same way this pseudo-logic of associating the west with all the (perceivedly) horrible things out there is used, why can't one go to the other extreme and associate, in just as illogical a manner, the west with scientific thinking, rationality, progress, sexual emancipation etc. ?
No, I am NOT anti-Indian, pro-western. That would be ridiculous. I'm just trying to be objective.
If we stop using ideas based on where they originated, we might as well stop using antibiotics, cars, computers, cell phones and just about everything else that makes life livable.
For example, the neurologist Vilayanur Subramanian Ramachandran came up with the mirror box technique to alleviate distress in amputees who have phantom limb pain. Does this mean we should consider this achievement as an instance of the 'Indianisation' of 'western science' and bar all white people who could potentially benefit from this technique from using it ? That would seem ludicrous to most minds. But when it comes to adopting anything that first came from the west, many Indians hesitate and start blaming their 'culture' (another blanket term) , even if what is being adopted is objectively right.
Both the west and India (and other parts of the world really) have all sorts of people and these people come up with all sorts of ideas. Both good and bad. By using blanket terms like 'westernisation' and 'Indianisation' we are inhibiting change/progress, doing a disservice to great ideas and ultimately causing damage to ourselves.
Also, might I add, in the same terminology of the RSS chief, that even in 'India' it is more likely these 'Bharat' types who are raping 'Indians'. The recent case in Delhi would be an example.
I remember in Mangalore, ABVP (I think it was them or maybe someone else) activists beat up people in a certain pub under the garb of protecting Indian culture. They even partially stripped some girls in some cases.
One of the biggest issues is, there is no unity amongst us civilised/educated people against these dihati types. Till we don't stand up together they will harass our men, women and children.
Wish I could edit the title and put a comma in between 'India' and 'not'.