Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Hi to you all!

Last movie I sw was "Next" -it´s really much better than I thought! Check it out :-)

I´m new to this and at the moment struggeling with getting into the download fun with torrents...
:-( unfortunately some of the best sites are invite-only-sites already...
May anybody help me with an invitation to one of the following sites:

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Looking forward getting part of this community...

/ Peter
Quad Master said:
wats this 3.10 To Yuma about , heard a lot abt it.

its a remake of some old movie...has christian bale escorting a criminal(russel crowe) to a train station called Yuma. you got train timing in the name too.

Good movie
1408 : 7/10

Scary at first, but repeated use of cheap scares gets old and comedy fast (maybe not if you watch it in a theater) - but then a great ending, good story.

Good performance by Cusack, Sam Jackson didn't have much to do in the movie.

Flags of our Fathers : 7/10

Its for the american public :P