Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

^^ mate, looks like you have lot of free time to watch movies ...hehehe 4 movies in last 2 days ...

lolzz..at time even i watch 2-3 movies a day when i have nothing to do...

by da way i am still looking for a good cars and bikes kind o movie..after i saw gone in 60 seconds ...

have already seen die hard,transformers and all fast and furious moviez..evne torque..

so lookin for something similar...lots of cars,bikes and action !!

howz XXX 2 next level ?? ...the first XXX was goood...
Rush Hour 3 - 4/10

Dissapointing fare :(

Bad script, cheesy humour and almost no fighting at all. If u compare it with the 1 and 2 versions u'll wont like it at all. Seemed to have been made with 10 yr old kids in mind.
My Name is Anthony Gonsalves 7/10

Decent movie,definately worth a watch...much better than some of the other crap tht has been released recently.

BTW 10/10 for the last 15 mins of the movie ( Mithun FTW :D )