Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Traffic - 9/10 - A very gripping movie, all round good performances and solid direction.

The Secret - 7/10 - Gr8 acting by David Duchovny and esp by the girl Olivia Thirlby....shes hot and can act for a change....an interesting concept
My Sassy girl : 7.5/10

I sometimes wonder if the imdb top voters and critics consider themselves to be some kind of film moral inspectors. Seriously, I know its a remake of an exceptionally good move, but so what?? Leave the retarded bias against the remake aside and watch the god damn movie without any preconceptions. Its a good entertaining movie.
Audi0slave said:
Bechare Zameen Par :lol: - 6/10

Parody of Taare of Zameen par .... full of PJ's ... cyrus sahukar is a funny guy

I'd give it more :ohyeah:

The guy doing Aamir (Howard Rosemeyer) was damn good :rofl:
Incredible Hulk - 5/10

it was looking more comic like

The Sixth Sense - 8/10

nicely made.. some scenes terrified me... mostly coz i was listening to surround sound at 1 am in the night... with nobody home...