Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Excalibur - The story was really nice, but I thought the performances were not there ... apart from the guy who played Merlin. A decent one time watch though ... better than the latest King Arthur
I'm not there - 8.5/10

The biography of Bob Dylan - Starring Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Richard Gere, Cate Blanchett, Marcus Carl Franklin, Ben Whishaw. Each platying dylan at a different phase of his life. The movie unfolds in a non-chronological manner.

Blanchett has the meatiest role and runs with it, Bale has the next biggest role, but he tries too hard to be Dylan, so it comes off as forced. Ledger and Gere do well in the parts they are in. Winshaw has more of a narrative role. Markus Carl Franklin (he portrays Dylan as a child) puts in an awesome performance too.
People are always talking about freedom, and how to live a certain way. Course the more you live a certain way the less it feels like freedom. Me? I can change during the course of a day. When I wake I'm one person, when I go to sleep I know for certain I'm somebody else. I don't know who I am most of the time. It's like you got yesterday, today and tomorrow all in the same room. There's no telling what's going to happen
"Ponyo on the" Cliff from Ghibli Studio and Akira Kurosawa - A true masterpiece, puts a smile on your face, a really sweet movie. Must watch for animation lovers.