Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Saw Ru-Ba-Ru today!!! 7/10
remake of the Hollywood flick Three Days which was gud too (saw that 5years back on star movies....so dont know how old tht one is...relatively unknown actors in it),
Its the best try till date of a Bollyflick to measure up the standards of any mushy romantic Hollywood movie;
hence i really doubt the indian junta are going to understand it!!
wortha watch i'd say:)
This is me after watching this movie on DVD.I was banging my head against the wall towards the end.If you want to cross check, just borrow it from someone if possible & then give it a go.Not recommended otherwise.:no:
Zeitgeist I - 10/10

Zeitgeist II - Addendum - 10/10

If you are sane and logical Human Being these movie's will change your view on todays world and show you how corrupt everything is.