Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

neomustdie said:
@Floccy... Die Hard 4.0 (720p HD) - 6/10.... wtf... out of ur minds... rather 8-9/10

currently watching house MD season 2... season 1 8.5/10

I'm a big Die Hard fan, but IMO Die Hard 4 is the worst of the lot.

Oceans Thirteen - 8/10

Brilliant scripting, but kinda hard to understand in some parts.
virus32win said:
I agree Die Hard 4 is worst of series.

Although i liked die hard 1 to be the best... i would still say die hard 4 was a nice movies considering a comback of bruce willis and old school stunts....

Also did i forgot to mention that i saw it when mumbai was in knee deep water and half the suburbs didnt had electricity on that day... with PVR closed and RMmall Adlabs last show was open and me getting the very last ticket... he he... so it added to the fun.
