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b00gieMan said:
@ Watchmen movie: i'm sure this is being protested by "N" no. of Ghurkhas in india saying this is WAtchmen and we are not like em....Aah OUR GR8 GR8 GR8 INDIA. (We dumb**** ppl dont even understand the Slumdog movie and celebrate the SHIT oscars even when it wasnt an Indian Movie *a British Movie from a British Movie Maker* instead. Ahh did i not mention A.R. Rehman.. PPl might say "we know its not an Indian movie, but we are celebrating the Oscar won by an Indian Music director".. ya rrright!... A.R.Rehman.. POS. Ppl go crazy on his POS??? all his music is fking mixture and computer edited combination of South Indian beats + South African Tribal beats). I know am gonna get alot of fuming for this statement i made.
Fuming? I didn't get a word of anything you just said. :S

Anyway I checked out the local listings & none of the cinemas have it slated in their weeks schedule. I guess it should be delayed till next week. :(
Yeah i've read the book, so i dint watch the ending. Stopped from part he starts becoming old.

my dog looks exactly like the one on the cover of the book and it gives me the creeps :(
b00gieMan said:
@ Watchmen movie: i'm sure this is being protested by "N" no. of Ghurkhas in india saying this is WAtchmen and we are not like em....Aah OUR GR8 GR8 GR8 INDIA. (We dumb**** ppl dont even understand the Slumdog movie and celebrate the SHIT oscars even when it wasnt an Indian Movie *a British Movie from a British Movie Maker* instead. Ahh did i not mention A.R. Rehman.. PPl might say "we know its not an Indian movie, but we are celebrating the Oscar won by an Indian Music director".. ya rrright!... A.R.Rehman.. POS. Ppl go crazy on his POS??? all his music is fking mixture and computer edited combination of South Indian beats + South African Tribal beats). I know am gonna get alot of fuming for this statement i made.

lol. Were you sure you were not high while posting this? :rofl:
:P :rofl:

btw +1 to Punisher WarZone 720p :ohyeah: (liked it for the action and violent reality shown and the ROCK MUSIC in background)

Quantum of Solace.. must say after Daniel Craig the whole bond feelings changed. Hez good in actions and stunts.. but for style and expressions Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan ROCK.
That reminds me, we had seen this @ work (on projector on one of the weekends), it was just released that time, we had coulpe of chics who joined us for this, we already warned em for his loud comedy but yet they said its okay as far as its decent. But Damn, the moment Russell started on his balls shaving part and different postures and size of the D*** from different countries, oh boi we were all so fkced :P the gals went out, we were all damn embarassed and was so phunny that the whole thing bcame even more funnier than tht poor Russell who was trying to be phunny :P
thetoxicmind said:
Russell Peters: Red, White and Brown ~ 7/10
Gulal - 8.5/10

Amazing movie. Well worth visit to cinema hall.

Acacia - 7/10

Expecting another good Korean Horror. Not a Horror movie per se, but nicely made supernatural thriller/drama.