Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Fast and Furious (IV) - MIndless action, a good one time watch to check out the cars and Vin Diesel's cool dialogues :bleh:. 3 / 5

Watchmen - A nice movie (haven't read the comics). Rorshach was the best character, Night Owl was also good. Rest were just stereotypical superheros / villians. Decent watch, nice special effects. 3.5/5
iGo said:
I know I wrote this before, but serisouly... WTF WAS THAT F**KED UP ENDING ABOUT?

Indication of a sequel, if it's not entirely obvious. :P

Back to topic:

V for Vendetta - 9/10. I can't believe I ignored this movie & let it slide for so long. It was brilliant. Hats off to Hugo Weaving for a spot on dialogue delivery & playing the character of 'V' with such extraordinary grace. Very well crafted & acting was outstanding by almost everyone in the crew.

Bedtime Stories - 8/10. A perfect kids movie. After a much disappointing mess that Adam Sandler had created with You don't Mess with Zohan, I was afraid his comeback wouldn't be a good one. Thankfully, he excels in this movie & does what he is best at, making good comedy movies. I hope he does more movies like this in the future. He connects perfectly with comedy & kids.
mallik said:
Fast and Furious (IV) - MIndless action, a good one time watch to check out the cars and Vin Diesel's cool dialogues :bleh:. 3 / 5

I absolutely liked it when he takes down Felix... thats how revenge is to be taken.. :ohyeah: :ohyeah:
One flew over the cuckoo's nest! 9/10

Classé I should say! Fantastic acting by Jack Nicholson and the lady nurse.
SidhuPunjab said:
Taxi Driver (1976) - 9.5/10
One Eight Seven (1997) - 8/10
The Butterfly Effect (2004) - 7.5/10
School For Scoundrels (2006) - 7/10
Gran Torino (2008) - 8/10

Gannu do watch 187 ...
^Queued for d/l already Vishal. :D

Something more in the Q as well:

Flags of our fathers.

Letters from Iwo Jima.

Seems like they're good war-inspired movies.
Didn't enjoy "Flags of our fathers" that much.

May be I was expecting too much from war movies after Ryan, Enemy at the Gates, Black Hawk Down etc.