Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

The Unborn - 5/10

Typical run-of-a-mill horror flick, the story and direction are strictly okay... though the production values were much better than regular b-grade horrors, so the effects and sound was good. Worth a watch, if you can't find any better horrors. Just don't expect it to be great.
The Terminal - 9/10: Severely under-rated. God knows why. :(

Forrest Gump - 10/10: The best movie till date (at least for me!) after having watched The Shawshank redemption a gazillion times over. Phew!

Philadelphia - 8/10: Another good watch but sadly I was down with cold and flu so couldn't enjoy the movie to the fullest. (Fell asleep a couple of times thanx to the Wikoryl tablet!)

Been watching quite a few good movies from this stalwart. Tom Hanks: No words for him. This guys seems to have been born to grab attention for some of the good movies he's done like the ones I've put up^. Got to see Apollo 13/Cast Away and some others which's been listed under his name in IMDb/Wiki. At the same time, I feel like shooting myself for not watching these movies since a while! What the heck, its never late. :P

PS: If you guys have some suggestions, please pour in. Seen Saving Private Ryan already. :P
^I am a Die hard Hanks fan myself. He was brilliant in You've got mail, Road to Perdition, Catch me if you can and The Ladykillers although his best movie by far and also my personal favorite is "The Green Mile". He has also done some awesome voiceovers in movies like Toy story 1 & 2, Polar Express and Cars.
Just watched Star Trek (2009) I'd rate it 6/10

I can see how it would be disappointing for casual Star Trek fans and totally infuriate the "trekkies" heh.

The movie has plenty of cheesy/tacky bits, lots of standard formula sequences/dialogues, lacking any creativity in the plot/storyline. Its just another hollywood flick with a Star Trek theme bolted on.

like the parts where they say "the star went supernova" how many movies have we heard that? then at least half a dozen scenes where somebody is hanging off the edge of a cliff or platform and manages to claw himself back up :D
Angels and Demons : 8/10 ... The cinematography was breathtaking. But I suggest reading the book before watching this, its a treat to watch actual Vatican buildings and architecture that you may have imagined while reading the book. This one was definitely better than Da Vinci Code.
b00gieMan said:
Havent seen this movie neither i wana see this.. but i wonder what kinda sick bastardous viewers watch these kinda movies and also make it popular and rate it good.

Movie: The Pig ****ing Movie

It more of an 'art' movie, bestiality especially, and the movie has been screened at many places. You can always find a public tracker hosting this, well seeded anytime.
Confessions of the Shopaholic - 7/10

Yes, it is a chick movie. No, it is not a typical, pink-in-your-face, irritating-young-teen-girls-all-around chick movie. Two reasons why I watched it... One, my girlfriend wanted to watch and I had no other options and Two, I like Isla Fisher. Anyway, the movie is quite nice, some decent laughing moment and some better. Performances were pretty good, especially Isla Fisher and guy who playes stalking-debt-collector Derek Smith. I liked the talking and moving mannequins scenes, that was a good touch.