Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

chiron said:
So a decent rip for that is out? Been meaing to watch this for a while.

Dunno about Decent rip but I was surely out........in the cinemas!!:bleh:

AS GOOD AS IT GETS - 8/10 : Excellent Rom-com with amazing performances by both the leads(Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt).
Watchmen... 7/10

The visuals were stunning but somehow they lacked something! It seemed to me that the movie was just dragging and it was only the visuals (and to some extent the end) which kept me from closing VLC.


scenes which had action involved had great sound sequence and visuals..

but overall the film sucked like hell... draggin and dragiin for more than 2.5hrs...

lol ... that blue man havin sex made me lol...

funny movie but too time consuming.. avoid !!!
Transformers 2 (Revenge of the Fallen) : 7/10

Great Action, Amazing Visuals, Robots, Rumble, Sexy Cars, Robo Humor, Tweens, Blowing up Things.... essentially what Michael Bay does his usual best. Don't EVEN BOTHER getting into other details like direction, screenplay or plot etc... cause, they are just not there. But it's pure action entertainer... and who said that Action movies are suppose to enlighten you. :bleh: