Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Transformers 2 - 7.5/10

i didnt find it so good. like the first one, this didnt have much. only pure action. they didnt even show megan fox properly (i just went to theatres after quite some time just to watch her and was disappointed). :no: though there were some really good laughs in between.

WTF moment for me: the part towards the end with the matrix key was utterly ridiculous.

the best part of the movie for me were the dogs. :rofl:

Kambakht Ishq - ??/10

okay i know this was one crap movie, but thats the reason it made my watch it. :P

TBH i didnt know it was sooo shitty. i dont have any other words except OMFG WTF Holy crap shit!!!! :P movies like these really put bollywood to shame, seriously.

Om Mangalam Om Mangalam???!! :S and WTF was about Sylvester Stallone??!!! :S

Angels and Demons - 7.5/10

was pretty nice. i think it was a decent adaptation of the book.

New York - 6.7/10

Xmen Origins Wolverine - 8/10

i liked this movie. :D
^ I know... the Megan Fox show was quite disappointing. :(

But the best part of the movie for me was Sam's parents, especially Mom... Damn, she was hilarious. :P
I Heart Huckabees : 8/10

Amazing. Some really deep thoughts and thinking is shown in this movie, without being over serious. Maybe little stupid, but quite entertaining for those who can catch the drift. Most importantly, this movie is NOT FOR EVERYONE. If you find the movie stupid, bit boring and WTF-is-going on kinda feeling in first 15 mins... Leave it. Don't bother going ahead and watching it cause you're not going to get it at all.
Watchmen movie's special fx also werent a big deal! they just added Slow-Motions to simple action scenes. The sex scenes through out the movie were stupid and funny. Like one of the scenes from that blue man, where he was working on a project while having sex and 2 ppl with that lady and 1 blueman near the reactor or something lol. Plus the kiss between the lady and the owl man was also stupid where they kiss and there is a nuclear explosion behind them! 1st of all that wasnt that cool as they were thinking, plus it looked so poor in visual fx looked like hindi old movies where the hero and heriones are kissing and the background scene is on a "Parda". Story said SHIT in the movie. Plus the only thing / character i liked was the "The Comedian". But rest the movie isnt worth it. Thank god i dint go for its BR-Rip.
Knowing... 7/10...

When it ended, I thought it was a Shyamalan project. These people know how to ruin a movie! The visuals were very good, not awesome though, but if the movie had ended like the way it started, it would have been much better. It seems like the makers had no idea where they were going with the story! Watch only if you must!
Transformers 2

I regret watching it. The movie $ucked A$$ at so many levels that it is hard to describe.

The first movie was a bit amateurish at times but this one is full of non sense.

Not to mention altering stuff for making movies should have limits. JetFire an old robot? Heck he was second in command for the Autobots in the cartoon and much younger than Optimus. He would not kill himself to fuse with Optimus but temporarily fuse with Optimus.

I was really looking forward to seeing starscream swap sides and join autobots and join aerial attacks. Also how come Hot shot was not included he is a popular autobot as well. We saw a lot of decepticons but I couldn't recogonize any of them. Heck at times I am still confused - was the decepticon who was manipulating the military satellite destroyed or did he join the attack.

Also there was more of Decepticons vs. NEST action than Autobots vs. Decepticons.

The girl (transformer) from college (was this supposed to be a tribute to terminator) looked like a perfect girl. Even in Beast Wars they resembled robots to some extent.

Acting was horrible as was the dialogues and plot. When showing ancient folks atleast bear in mind that they don't look like tribal folks from Africa.

The worse thing were the punkass for robots who were good for nothing.

The only 2 things worth mentioning in this movie is the acting and fight scenes by Bumble Bee and Optimus Prime.

At times when the robots were transforming the camera would rotate and an object would block the view. By the time the object gets out of the way the transformation is complete.

Conclusion: - Don't watch this movie. Don't rent it. Don't even get A**O version of it. It is simply that horrible.

Rating: 0/10
hmmm... 1700 BC

Now if I was present at that time I would wear.... The tribe that I was in might not have discovered clothes or maybe they would have. If they did would it be mandatory to wear them. If a rule said you can wear the animal skin of whatever you kill I would be wearing.... Rat Skin?

Costumes from Apocalypto would do the job. Considering that rat skin will make this movie an 'A' Certified movie. Wait didn't Apocalypto have a Mature rating.