Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Riri Shushu ni subete AKA all about lilly chou chou - no,nope i can never rate this film. its too good for any rating .all i can say is this Movie is tremendously Abrasive to the soul.it has a really haunting soundtrack beautifull cinematography wonder full storyy which is a mixture of shock and sweetness.just watch the movie thats all i can say
Sankat City-6.5/10....was watchable...did not bore
Barah Anna-7/10..well made...
Little Zizou-still wondering what the movie was about!!!:S
The Watchmen-7.5/10 ...wow thats a stylized dc comic....ya it really feels like as close to comic as possible...watched the directors cut...felt a tad long @ 3hrs+
Lock, stock & two smoking barrels-7.5/10- my first guy richie movie.....well i like his style of cinema...will watch more of his movies in the future....
We are Marshall A nice drama based on a true incident. THe lead actors Matthew McConaughey and Matthew Fox are brilliant.

My rating: 8/10