Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

You've got to be kiddin! for that rating of Watchmen!
mh09ad5578 said:
The Watchmen-7.5/10 ...wow thats a stylized dc comic....ya it really feels like as close to comic as possible...watched the directors cut...felt a tad long @ 3hrs+
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Was more like a drama feature than an action fantasy movie. True fans of the book would be royally disappointed. Would have to rate it at 6/10.
Wallstreet - 6.5/10 - Acting was superp from Sheen & Douglas..
Burn After Reading - 7/10 - Nothin Special but strong Cast makes it worthwhile..

Men of Honor - for like 20th time and still gives me goosebumps
Love aaj kal : 2.5/5

I Had really high expectations from this one but I am left disappointed. I have mainly 3 issues with this film :

1. Deepika : I am sorry but she just cannot act. No emotions, idiotic expressions and pathetic dialog delivery. She was looking so ridiculously out of place delivering those dialogs. A better actress could have done wonders as some dialogs were really quite good. Her character was almosy similar to Preity's character in Salaam Namaste, if only she could have acted like preity.

2. Editing : It sucked. The transition between the old and the new story is so abruptly done that it actually gets annoying. Just when you are starting to enjoy the good old 60's era romance, the scene cuts to the present day saif blaberring about how the past sucks. Then one moment they are in delhi and the next second we see them on the streets of London. It gets very confusing at times and poor editing is the one to be blamed for this.

3. Second half : Not only is the second half not funny but it actually tries to defy logic.
Picture this : Deepika marries her present bf only to realize on her Suhaag raat that she has committed a mistake. Then she goes on to say to the groom that she will apologize later for marrying him as now she has to rush to her ex Bf who is in london. WTF!! Who does that? And apparently the groom is very cool about it too.

The film has nothing new to offer. Its the same old ghissi piti love story. Some dialogs are really good but others fail to make an impact. Saif ali khan is very impressive. He is likable as both the cool dude of today and as the confident Sardaar of yesteryears. Rishi kapoor does well and so does the actress playing Harleen. But its deepika who is the eye sore. Not that she looks bad but her dialog delivery just doesn't have that punch. The best part of the film are the songs. Each one of them is worth listening to, especially "Ajj din chadeya". But there placement is messy and interupts the proceedings.

Overall, Love aaj kal is a major letdown. It could have been so much better had it not been for the poor editing and deepika. I would still recommend a one time watch though but don't spend too much on it.
Mohra - 10/10

One of THE best action movies to come out of Bollywood (the ending was corny but the rest of the movie is just brilliant), it makes the recently released action flicks like Ghajini look abysmal. And without a doubt Sunil Shetty's best flick imo..he wouldn't have been a big actor without this movie..he was a total badass in this one.
ROFL! Whole movie had stolen background score of Terminator. Just that was good and a couple of songs (NO NOT CHEEZ BADI) rest all was piece of crap. You can say for sure, One of the best crappiest movie ever in bollywood and yet its famous for its crapp :rofl:
Params7 said:
Mohra - 10/10
One of THE best action movies to come out of Bollywood (the ending was corny but the rest of the movie is just brilliant), it makes the recently released action flicks like Ghajini look abysmal. And without a doubt Sunil Shetty's best flick imo..he wouldn't have been a big actor without this movie..he was a total badass in this one.
b00gieMan said:
ROFL! Whole movie had stolen background score of Terminator. Just that was good and a couple of songs (NO NOT CHEEZ BADI) rest all was piece of crap. You can say for sure, One of the best crappiest movie ever in bollywood and yet its famous for its crapp :rofl:

Oh c'mon, yeah they stole the Terminator theme but it was still a little different and it was better :ohyeah: Besides they all steal music, at least this movie didn't copy a Holly flick's plot!!

Tu Cheez Badi Hai is a legendary song xD It was my childhood favorite movie maybe that's why I love it so much :P The movie was the biggest hit in '94 and launched Sunil Shetty as the more demanded action movie star than Akshay Kumar before 2000.
Jashn : 3/5.

One of the better movies. Adhyan Suman can act, I hope he ventures out of the Bhatt camp. Rest of the cast was also pretty impressive. Overall a very decent movie, a definite watch,
hannibal... 5/10.

didint do justice to hannibal lecter and clarice characters. silence of the lambs... well, there is no comparison, m8!