Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

The Prestige : 8/10 ...... awesome movie .... the only complain i have is it was too predictable , that is y i'll rate "Illusionist" higher den Prestige !

The Departed : 8/10 ...... Pretty good movie but the climax was so Fu*ked up ! Wats d point if everybody dies ?

Hide and Seek : 6.5/10 ...... Good screenplay but a bit booring , not to forget the terrible climax !

Kung Fu Hustle : 3/10 ....... Pathetic movie ..... dont watch it !
The Devil Wears Prada:6.5/10

Fast And Furious Tokyo Drift:8/10 Nice movie with great drifting....man i wish i cud do that in Carbon :D:p

Happy Feet:6/10 Didnt like the idea of the movie.....

Open Season 6/10
Nikhil said:
I liked the Departed more than the Blood Diamond. I mean, while Blood Diamond really breaks your heart, I thought Departed was a better movie.

Dicaprio should have been nominated for the Departed instead of BD.

He was exceptional in Departed. I watched Departed after I watched BD and I felt that DiCaprio was waaaay better in Departed....

Yeah, that's the popular opinion on the internet...

If it weren't for the ending of Departed, it would've been any other average smart undercover-mafia flick. But BD does a good job of showing the real events that happened in Sierra Leone well, and it gets bonus points for that. Plus DiCaprio was the main cast in BD, in Departed, it was Damon, Wahlberg, Nicholson and DiCaprio.
^ Lol..... u actually liked the climax of Departed ? :S I thought it was really very silly ...... if everybody had to Die including the gud guys , wat was the point of the whole film ? And wat abt Nicholson ? The fact dat he was an FBI agent sucked so much ! Too many loopholes !
Bluffmaster said:
^ Lol..... u actually liked the climax of Departed ? :S I thought it was really very silly ...... if everybody had to Die including the gud guys , wat was the point of the whole film ? And wat abt Nicholson ? The fact dat he was an FBI agent sucked so much ! Too many loopholes !

Save your evil words....for THE DEPARTED 2!

Mark Wahlberg has confirmed reports he has been approached to star in a sequel and a prequel to the violent crime thriller and Oscar contender The Departed. The film's writer William Monahan has already started work on the sequel, which focuses on the rogue police officer played by Wahlberg. The 35-year-old, who is up for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role in the 2006 thriller, tells EmpireOnline, "They told me they wanted to try to do it and I said, 'Well, I enjoyed playing the character.' They're talking about bringing in Robert De Niro to play a senator or a congressman. You know, the corruption obviously going deeper and higher up the ranks - reaching up the political chain. So it'll be fun. And if it's a success, they're gonna do a prequel and bring everyone back…make it a trilogy."

Movie & TV News @ IMDb.com - WENN - 8 February 2007
I really, really cannot even start to think - how the sequel, and if successful, the prequel would work!
The only thing I didnt like in Departed was the injustice.

I would have preferred it if Matt Damon was disgraced publicly and THEN killed.... that would have been proper justice....
Following. One of Christopher Nolan's early movies. Kind of a twisted timeline story ala Pulp Fiction. Good watch if you like that kind of stuff.
Pan's Labyrinth : Spectacular Movie ...... Probably d best Fantasy Movie i have ever seen ! Highly recommended .... although itz in spanish , u'll be deeply immersed in d movie !

digital_brain said:
^ yeah its a great movie ... I personally think Pan's Labyrinth is THE best movie of 2006 .

@ajish65 , i want that movie ..where did you get it ???

gr8 movie . .. :)

any site to check the blockbuster movies of all languages..?..
like current top 5 movies of all languages...etc..
Following - aweome stuff man .. grt movie .. :)

The Shining - another very good movie .. one of the best horror-thriller i have seen .. jack nicholson was too good in the movie:D

@S_S,try this website -http://www.altfg.com/blog/