Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

^^ lol, even i wonder how it got the best picture nomination, i hated the ending expcl. the final stage show of olive :S
Wohaaaaa!!! What a movie..
Before I reveal the name, lemme tell you the kinda movies I simply love..The ones, that makes you think so much that even if you don't concentrate for a few mins, you'll not hit the jackpot with the plot..Movies, that we in our movie-lovers parlance call the "mind-fcuk" flicks..
I've come to love movies like Fight Club, Se7en, Odishon, Illusionist, Descent, Pulp Fiction..But till today the top-honours went to Memento (you have to see that movie atleast 3 times to really appreciate its beauty..I have seen it 5 times :))..Now I've a new favourite..."The Prestige" 10/10 for the story, the plots & mini-plots & most importantly, the execution..Fanatstic..

If you havent seen it already, get it now..I, on the other hand, am gonna the best use of my weekend, and catch it again, this time on the big screen!:p
Night At The Museum (English) - Ben Stiller doing what he does best. Very entertaining movie, not much of a story though, but with Owen Wilson in a supporting role you don't need a deep story line.
vij said:
Departed..... 7/10
good but nt great...had great hopes.....disapointing ending....
just about good...thats all..

Well, yeah.. a movie is different things to different ppl...:) to me the ending cudnt have been any better..it was downright shocking..right from the moment the elevator comes down...tht scene made me go :O...u really feel for the guy.. :no:

Btw, also saw Blood diamond on tuesday at fame adlabs andheri..took a few frenz for free..actually got tht hutch sms...ek pe ek free on tuesday..:p

Coming back to the movie..yeah man..9/10 for the movie...10/10 for diCaprio!!
Saw a hard hitting movie after a long time..i mean The departed is in a league of its own..in contrast, blood diamond belongs to a different genre..vaguely reminded me of Black hawk down...

This guy has come of age for sure..he's no more the cutie pie boy the babes used to die for..now he's more of a man..someone who's not afraid of doing such hard hitting roles..n tht too back to back..just awesome!!
Brad pitt shud take a lesson or two from this guy..

So all u rich guys out there..think b4 u gift tht diamond ring to ur girlfriend..:tongue: