Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Punch Drunk Love - 1/10

I kept waiting and waiting for this movie to get interesting, and cannot imagine how some people like this movie, what there in it to like?
^^ I thought that movie was incredibly boring; fast forwarded from about 1/3rd onwards. Would have been a nice movie with someone like Jackie Chan playing the lead though.
^yeah partly because cameron Diaz is starting to look old (in fact both were looking relatively old). movie was watchable for the action scenes and the story not the actors though.
Kramer v/s Kramer : 6/10 ; it might have been a good drama at one time; but seeing it today,doesnt do anything for me..

The killer inside me: 1/10 : a hopeless movie with no storyline & mindless violence ( some scenes are just plain sickening...); & oh, casey affleck's voice is absolutely unintelligible; very hard to make out what he is mumbling.