Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

The Dark Knight -- 9/10

The Dark Knight is a brilliant sequel of Batman Begins. It makes me wonder what Nolan will accomplish when the 3rd Batman film will be released. The script was fantastic. The action in the film was superior to Batman Begins in every way. The cinematography was insanely good. Heath Ledger’s performance as The Joker was superb, complitely mind blowing.. To sum up the movie in one word, all I can say is that it was a "masterpiece".
XTechManiac said:
The Dark Knight -- 9/10

The Dark Knight is a brilliant sequel of Batman Begins. It makes me wonder what Nolan will accomplish when the 3rd Batman film will be released. The script was fantastic. The action in the film was superior to Batman Begins in every way. The cinematography was insanely good. Heath Ledger’s performance as The Joker was superb, complitely mind blowing.. To sum up the movie in one word, all I can say is that it was a "masterpiece".
And People say it was the most overrated film of the decade. :|
When Harry Met Sally... (1989) - 8/10... te was really good, some of the lines were really funny...then realized HumTum was heavily inspired by this!!!!:bleh:
50 First Dates (2004) -7.5/10.....really nice romantic comedy flick...after this i wanted to see-
The Wedding Singer (1998)-7/10....i thught Adam Sandler movies were obnoxous...my views are changing!!!!:p
The Expendables (2010)- 5/10....it was funny to see the guys heads ust bursting due to the firings
Mephistopheles said:
And People say it (Dark Knight) was the most overrated film of the decade. :|
That's because people are dumb. Dark Knight is not an action movie which people think it is. It is like Nolan's Inception, action for the dumb masses and story for the thinking ones. I agree it could have been better with better cast of some characters(Bale) but it is not overrated. The first movie establishes Batman, his origins, his motivations. The second expands on it.

People should ask why didn't the Gotham police or Batman did NOT shot Joker at the first instance. Why arrest a destructive madman? It is because the crime fighting is different in Batman universe.
All the Nolan worship, especially with Inception reminds me of how people were going around quoting lines from the Matrix a while back. TDK on the other hand was the best movie of this decade just like Terminator 2 was the best one of the last.