What BS is this? No spoiler tags?
Thank goodness I chose to to a TLDR there. :sleep:
i spent a couple of minutes reading it and didn't understand a anything so i think spoilers are kinda moot

What BS is this? No spoiler tags?
Thank goodness I chose to to a TLDR there. :sleep:
Billa 2 is all style and no substance.
At least Don2 had some twists n sh*t. Billa 2 didnt even have that.
Cinematography was nice and the opening 30-40mins was good, then it was crap show.
Not recommended!
please don't mention Scarface when talking about Billa 2, kind request :unsure:
Scarface is one of the ultimate movies of all time!
Up (2009) - IMDb - 9/10
A brilliant movie by all means! Excellent sound composition and rendering. A good animated feature I've watched since KFP 2.
Dude!!! Thats why I said It WOULD have been awesome if based...
the point is Billa 2 is nowhere near scarface & at least would have been good if based on it....