Avengers: AoU - 7/10
IMHO (if you disagree, all the power to you):
Good: Cinematography (the jeep jump scene, fight scenes etc), James Spader, Some of Ultron's scene, lighter scenes like Avengers 1
Bad - Rehashed story from 1 - Heroes fight villian, he causes them to break up, they find themselves through some moment and team up fighting legions of bad guys in a city, No lead in to Civil War - will make watching the Next Cap first hour some what of a "Last time in MCU" before it moves forward, too many fight scenes, some really ridiculous scenes even by superhero movie standards
All in all, its a fun time timepass movie.
What really amuses me more is that there is a buzz online about, how dark the movie is. While I don't understand this dark thing, it does dig into some psychology of characters (which is used as a plot device for a new character). With a mind controller in the movie what were people expecting? But its not brooding and introspective or "dark", if they want dark from Marvel, they should watch Daredevil.