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Jurassic World -> 5.5/10
Worth a watch for the visuals, but keep your expectations low. The story is predictable and borrows a lot of concept from the first one.
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Jurassic World (1/10)

This was an absolute disaster for me considering the place that Jurassic Park had in our hearts when we first saw dinosaurs as kids.Let's be honest here that every one of us had stickers,tiffin boxes or bags with the Jurassic Park logo.

No better than the absolutely formulaic B-Grade Monster Movies that Hollywood churns out on a daily basis and not worthy at all of the Jurassic Park moniker.

The suspense pioneered by Spielberg in monster movies(think Jaws or the kitchen scene with raptors in Jurassic Park 1) seems to have been replaced by the standard Hollywood trope of monsters screaming their lungs out in your face in 3D.

I don't understand how Spielberg agreed to lend his name to this spiel which is choc-a-bloc with stupidity generously sprinkled across the entire duration of the movie.

1) I. Rex is capable of both Active and Thermal camouflage but don't you find it a bit difficult to believe that this dinosaur was a bit too smart so as to using this capability for the first time in all its captive life just to escape.

2)Why did they have to open the bloody front gate for manually checking if the dinosaur had escaped or not?Couldn't they have had a man sized door into the paddcok for checking?

3)Why couldn't they use the GPS tracker while the I. Rex was in the paddock to check instead of a fatso waddling into a paddock where a super dino was kept?

Come on no one could be that dumb!!!!!

4)Chris Pratt prancing around in a super cliche Great White Hunter costume (Leather jacket in a tropical country???) with a puny little repeater rifle firing ammo from the 19th century in a jungle infested with dinosaurs.

5)Why not use sniffer dogs instead of dicey velociraptors to track the I. Rex???

Think of all the human lives that could be saved with an army of raptor soldiers! If this sounds like a terrible idea, that’s only because it is maybe the worst idea in human history.

6)The velociraptors almost tore Chris to pieces in the paddock during training and then you see them running alongside Chris on his motorcycle like his loyal sidekicks!!!!!!

7)Atrocious acting by Bryce Dallas Howards when she decides to tackle the jungle by just rolling up her sleeves and showing off her innerwear.

And it seems that you only need 5 inch heels(Mind you they are made of Adamantium !!!!!) to outrun a T Rex.Seems like Spielberg didn't tell this to the accountant who thought he can ward off a T Rex by the smell of his crap.

In the first film, a running T-Rex could happily keep pace with a Jeep at full throttle, yet Claire in heels can easily stay ahead of one here.

8)There is only one chopper pilot in an island with state of the art stuff everywhere except for a comically incompetent Irfan Khan.

9)Why were the mercs shooting at the I. Rex with little assault rifles when he was holding a meeting with the raptors to ascertain who was the the top dog?

They could have used the anti tank bazooka(AT4) and shot the I. Rex in the face during the meeting instead of using it later to knock the I. Rex off his feet and then blowing up the raptor.

10) There were 4 raptors and 1 was blown up by the bazooka but during the fight scene with the I. Rex they kept on coming like bunnies out of a box.

11)The Mosasaurus that leaps out of the water to make a nice Mc Meal of the I. Rex could have done the same thing earlier on and made a mouthful of Bhujias from the people on the stands when he got the shark.

12)That gyrosphere is the one Jurassic World ride that absolutely doesn’t make any sense. What kind of amusement park gives riders 100 percent control over their ride, to go wherever and do whatever they want? When things go horribly wrong, Gray and Zach get a stern warning to return their gyrosphere, and that’s it. They ignore it and keep riding. With safety features like these, it’s hard to believe Jurassic World has been functioning successfully for years.

13) What is Chris Pratt training the raptors for? Be a biker gang with matching chapter logos on their jackets.Sons Of Anarchy Anyone?????

14)You can’t repair a car that’s been in a shed for nigh on 20 years in half an hour. The tyres would have fallen apart. If they hadn't, they’d have gone flat: the rubber would harden and you would have a flat spot. Indominus would have barked with mirth and used the car as a football, which given how irritating Zach was, would not have been any significant loss.

15) The T Rex nodded at the raptors with all the grace of a Samurai warrior.Come on on dudes this is a eat or be eaten world where Bushido doesn't exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The heroes and villains of Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park were intellectuals; scientists, mathematicians, academics, and hugely successful entrepreneurs. They were mostly smart people doing smart things. With the exception of Dr. Wu and maybe Chris Pratt’s raptor trainer Owen Grady, the protagonists in Jurassic World are all dummies doing dumb things that lead, directly and indirectly, to their deaths and the deaths of hundreds of other people.

Forty years ago, Spielberg all but invented the summer blockbuster with nothing more than a smart script, a perfectly chosen cast and a malfunctioning rubber shark. Today, Trevorrow can bring his dinosaurs to life in ways never before imaginable, but he can’t make us believe in or care about his characters.
I dont know. People cry of original movies, when they come out they dont care. So this is what you have.

Anyways its a film about dinosaurs. What else people want?. Reality? :S
Going by public opinion.. it was something if nothing.

The original movie Jurassic Park 1 was a masterpiece & cult following , the same couldn't be told for Jurassic Park 2.. 3 was a disaster.

If you just create a screaming dinosaurs in 3d in 2015 (where majority of the population is bored with same special effects) , what impact it's going to have? The elements of surprise are gone.

First week collections mainly tells success of their marketing strategy & pre-release hype.. It's second and third week collections and viewer's reviews that have some credibility.

Anyways thanks guys (who gave impartial review) My time & money saved...
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The original movie Jurassic Park 1 was a masterpiece & cult following , the same couldn't be told for Jurassic Park 2.. 3 was a disaster.

If you just create a screaming dinosaurs in 3d in 2015 (where majority of the population is bored with same special effects) , what impact it's going to have? The elements of surprise are gone.

First week collections mainly tells success of their marketing strategy & pre-release hype.. It's second and third week collections and viewer's reviews that have some credibility.

Anyways thanks guys (who gave impartial review) My time & money saved...

Wouldn't you still wanna watch it?
The original movie Jurassic Park 1 was a masterpiece & cult following , the same couldn't be told for Jurassic Park 2.. 3 was a disaster.

If you just create a screaming dinosaurs in 3d in 2015 (where majority of the population is bored with same special effects) , what impact it's going to have? The elements of surprise are gone.

First week collections mainly tells success of their marketing strategy & pre-release hype.. It's second and third week collections and viewer's reviews that have some credibility.

Anyways thanks guys (who gave impartial review) My time & money saved...

? Impact? For a Dinosaur movie? Impartial reviews? LOL. I am lost.

You can enjoy an hour or 2. That's the max you can do. Its not a lecture, just a movie a normal person like me can definitely enjoy if stop dissecting. But to each their own.

Jurassic World - 6/10

Wouldn't you still wanna watch it?

Nope, I was planning but not now.

? Impact? For a Dinosaur movie? Impartial reviews? LOL. I am lost.

You can enjoy an hour or 2. That's the max you can do. Its not a lecture, just a movie a normal person like me can definitely enjoy if stop dissecting. But to each their own.

Very few movie critics will give impartial reviews. I trust friends and family members reviews more ; and so is for forum members opinions.

Oh don't give that 2hr enjoyment crap, Will you watch it again? If no, then it wasn't worth the first time also. I watched 3 shows back to back for Jurassic Park 1, but that's a different league altogether.

I expect something new, exceptional and exciting in every movie, in any aspect ; for that matter, effects, acting, screenplay, story, direction any one thing at least should be remarkable . Otherwise it's a waste of time and money. Nowadays there are plenty of options for utilizing those 4 hrs. I can afford one movie in a theater per month so I need to be selective.
The original movie Jurassic Park 1 was a masterpiece & cult following , the same couldn't be told for Jurassic Park 2.. 3 was a disaster.

If you just create a screaming dinosaurs in 3d in 2015 (where majority of the population is bored with same special effects) , what impact it's going to have? The elements of surprise are gone.

First week collections mainly tells success of their marketing strategy & pre-release hype.. It's second and third week collections and viewer's reviews that have some credibility.

Anyways thanks guys (who gave impartial review) My time & money saved...

Yeah... like there is a dinosaur movie every other day o_O