I don't know about others...
Exactly how I felt mate. I don't know what ticked it off for other people..........
For me, it was a below-average affair because it felt disjointed - be it the story, acting (except Arnie), or the action scenes themselves. There was a general lack of cohesion & I felt that a. either the director & the producers had different ideas or b. that he was in unknown territory vis-a-vis big Hollywood blockbuster action movies.
I get that it was a bit of a campy take on the Terminator franchise. That's fine by me. I get that the story has to be convoluted & contrived, & that it's best to leave your brains at home. I did that.
All I expected (subconsciously, I might add) was good action. Instead, the movie felt flat & failed to invoke any emotional ebb & flow. I had my mind wandering about while watching the movie, & that's not a good sign. Once out of the theater, I even forgot that I'd just watched a movie.
The movie isn't worth discussing, which is why I was very brief with my rating. Even now I feel I'm wasting time,

Is the movie bad? No. No big budget Hollywood movie is. But the same can be said of many of the Amritraj/Steven Seagal productions, which you might happen to catch on the telly. - "Theek hai.", "Timepass."
For me, the T1 & T2 movies were suspenseful. The action was gripping, & the protagonists felt vulnerable. It seemed that they had no way of overcoming the machines, & yet the eventual victory seemed convincing (given some suspension of disbelief, of course). All in all, they are both solid action movies even when viewed as standalone action movies & not part of the Terminator franchise, which has now achieved a cult status.
I even liked the first half of Terminator: Salvation because it was gritty & intriguing. (It's a different issue that the 2nd half did not live up to the intrigue built up in the first.)
The present movie, amongst other things, mainly lacks that feeling of suspense & vulnerability, & is generally flat. (Mind you, this is without comparing it with the earlier ones.)
PS- For once, movie critics are echoing my views. Critically acclaimed movies I have disliked in the past include Avatar, Gravity, Guardians of the Galaxy, ...to name a few. Just so everyone knows where I'm coming from,
