Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Enola Holmes on Netflix - 6/10, It is just about average in every way & pretty mediocre overall

Zack Snyder's Justice League on Apple TV - 9/10, be advised that the rating is a bit biased as I am a huge Zack Snyder's fan. If you liked Man of Steel or Batman vs Superman: UE, you'll love this too... although do plan to have some free time as this is a long watch (~ 4 Hours) but totally worth it IMO & huge improvement over the theatrical release of the movie which was absolute garbage
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I love Snyder as well, but man im avoiding it because of the run-time.. 4hr i will never have in a stretch, plus the aspect ratio is uncomfortable in TV's
I know its too long but honestly didn't felt like that to me while watching & yes that aspect ratio is not great but if you have a big TV you kind of forget the black bars. Anyways it is divided into 6-7 chapters so you easily plan your breaks.

Looking forward to the release of Army of the Dead now on Netflix.
I can watch Mulholland Drive just to look at Naomi Watts a million times.
Some people are so freaking beautiful...I have similar problems with Rosamund Pike, she's so distractingly beautiful that I had to watch Gone Girl twice to understand the easy movie.
BTW anyone here watched Gone Baby Gone? Very good movie.
Mullholland drive drove me nuts when I watched it for the first time. Changeling is another good one.
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Enola Holmes on Netflix - 6/10, It is just about average in every way & pretty mediocre overall

Zack Snyder's Justice League on Apple TV - 9/10, be advised that the rating is a bit biased as I am a huge Zack Snyder's fan. If you liked Man of Steel or Batman vs Superman: UE, you'll love this too... although do plan to have some free time as this is a long watch (~ 4 Hours) but totally worth it IMO & huge improvement over the theatrical release of the movie which was absolute garbage
Snyder s version is how this should have been in the first place
10/10 unbiased
An utterly balanced version.
Didnt realise when those 4 plus hours were up.
Am I the only one who's still stuck in 70s for music and movies? Unfortunately was an infant in 1979, and still real jealous of people, who were born in 60s and were teens in 70s and now either oblivious ( due to dementia) to the world or gone.
The earth was more beautiful, the music and movies were much better, even women were more beautiful!!
Army of the dead.
As with most zombie movies the story is as stupid as it can get. Characters make some dumb choices as usual and the plot with Bautistas daughter is a let down in every scene. But, action is great and pacing is very good. And that Zombie tiger is awesome. I will rate it 7.5/10 for some really good Zombie action scenes.
Army of the dead.
As with most zombie movies the story is as stupid as it can get. Characters make some dumb choices as usual and the plot with Bautistas daughter is a let down in every scene. But, action is great and pacing is very good. And that Zombie tiger is awesome. I will rate it 7.5/10 for some really good Zombie action scenes.
This is the latest one I'm looking forward to..
For zombies I only trusted Resident evil series but now that the series is dead (dont know whats in store on the reboot part but as with every reboots this should also suck but fingers crossed) need to explore more..
Am I the only one who's still stuck in 70s for music and movies? Unfortunately was an infant in 1979, and still real jealous of people, who were born in 60s and were teens in 70s and now either oblivious ( due to dementia) to the world or gone.
The earth was more beautiful, the music and movies were much better, even women were more beautiful!!
79 born and I agree :)
Army of the dead - pretty entertaining overall. Jack sunder likes to shoot every scene at F1.4. couple of scenes were pretty shocking and gory