Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Deadpool & Wolverine (AKA Cameo: The Movie) - 6/10:
Felt more like a buddy-cop movie with a super hero skin and Bollywood sprinkles on top. The humour (and fourth wall breaking) felt a bit forced at times compared to the previous 2 movies. Cassandra Nova felt like a generic villain. Paradox on the other hand left a more lasting impression (also, of all the movies I've seen, I think he has the second-best f-bomb).
+ points for Hugh Jackman (and his greasy tits)
- points for no Dopinder (you're my Tom Cruise! XD)
+ I've got a soft spot for Goo Goo Dolls so bonus points for Iris

Spiderman: Across the Spider Verse - 9.5/10:
Amazing artwork (I especially liked Gwen's universes' art style), great villain(s), and killer soundtrack (Pemberton and Metro Boomin deserve every bit of praise they received). you can tell that an insane amount of work went into it. I've seen very few movies that do a decent job of depicting the emotional shit-show of being a teenager (despite what everyone says, it is not always the best time of a kids' life). Easily wins a place in my top ten greatest of all time.
+ points for proper character development of Spot, going from a joke to full-on beast mode.
+ while the action was great, I actually enjoyed the slower paced parts of the movie: Miles and Gwen sharing a quiet moment at the top of a building was actually my favourite scene in the whole movie.
- ends on a cliffhanger (a great cliffhanger, but a cliffhanger nonetheless)
Satya (1998) - 9/10
What a brilliantly made movie. JD Chakravarthi and Manoj Bajpayee's riveting performance coupled with masterful direction and story progression made this a riveting watch.

I had missed watching a lot many 90's movies owning to studies and work. Now in my 40's I can finally catch up on these wonderful gems.
Satya (1998) - 9/10
What a brilliantly made movie. JD Chakravarthi and Manoj Bajpayee's riveting performance coupled with masterful direction and story progression made this a riveting watch.

I had missed watching a lot many 90's movies owning to studies and work. Now in my 40's I can finally catch up on these wonderful gems.
Just curious, Are you on a movie marathon or something?