Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Django Unchained- 8/10
Mr Waltz.. Take a bow. You simply shone like crazy. No wonder Will Smith refused the part of Django. Can see why..

Btw.. any movie where Daniel Day Lewis and Christoph Waltz performed in the same movie? Esp while sharing the screen space ?

I am sure he denied because of the frequent term "N"
I am sure he denied because of the frequent term "N"

Nah, he wanted to..
Kill the bad guy. Which Waltz did.

But i am sure, Waltz got all the attention and his way of acting simply took a good deal of focus on his character. The killing of the Monsieur Candie prolly was the last nail in the coffin.
Smith maybe found the scales either tipped against him or hanging in the balance. And really.. with the way Christoph waltzed the way he did.. Smith hasnt got that much craft and of that class in his armoury to unleash and hold his own in the same movie as against Waltz.

But too much of trademark Tarantino in the movie.
Many a times it seemed like scenes and effects could have been avoided. Really found few of them ridiculous and unnecessarily carried out in the movie.
Special 26 - 6/10

I know many people have liked this movie but for me I did not like much since they deviated from the main thing that happened years back, that wasn't even shown.
And most importantly the twist shown might be new thing for people outside this forums but those who have seen English tv series like hustle and leverage then one would have expected the twist which is shown in the movie
chashme badoor - 0.5/10
Not watching a Bollywood flick for the next 20 years at least after this. It stinked so hard that i will need to cleanse my inner soul before i walk out of my house again.
If cheap and cheesy [ the bad ones] laughs is your thing then this is the thing for you.
Saw two movies today - Lincoln and Kill Bill 2.. both were good.

After watching Lincoln, I felt this movie rightly won an Oscar. My last two Oscar nominated watches Argo and Zero Dark Thirty were crap and jingoistic.
Star Trek - 9/10

This was the 2009 J.J. Abrams directed one, the sequel of which (Into Darkness) is due this May. Not sure how I missed this one. Amazing movie and SFX.
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After watching Star Trek Into The Darkness Trailer, I can safely say, that if a Mass Effect movie was ever to be made, JJ Abrams is the one who is supposed to direct it. For a moment, I thought this was a Mass Effect 3 movie preview.

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