I went on a trip to Coorg, the driver of the mini bus we hired told us ghost stories over dinner. It scared the shit out of the girls, killed their appetite and some of the guys decided to miss their smoke break. He told us to look out for ghosts on the stretch we were about to cross and the one his story was based on. I think one of the girls was screming she saw a ghost, I tried in vain to capture my first ghost sighting and failed again
looks like the drivers conditioning and priming worked on only one soul
I was always curious: If a child is raised without ever being told of the existence of ghosts, demons etc. Will he still grow up to believe in ghosts and such spontaneously especially after the age when children get over the fear of dark places ?

I was always curious: If a child is raised without ever being told of the existence of ghosts, demons etc. Will he still grow up to believe in ghosts and such spontaneously especially after the age when children get over the fear of dark places ?