Recommend a book

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KingKrool said:
Don't do it man. Don't read Digital Fortress.... it is too predictable, technically incorrect, corny and otherwise lousy. It is like me writing a medical thriller - I would write a bunch of incorrect things, and even high school kids who studied Bio (I didn't) will laugh at it.
If you have ever heard of MD5, you'll laugh at the entire concept of his story.
Lol. Ok.

How's Freakonomics ? And Google Story ?
Robert Ludlum.

The Matarase circle

The Matarase countdown

Bourne series - There's 3 books in this one, and the story's totally diff from the movie, I had read the book first so it's natural that I thought the movie sucked :/

The Prometheus Deception

etc etc

What can I say....I am a Ludlum fanboy :|

Mario Puzo's are not that bad either.
I concur with Ludlum suggestions... may I also suggest some of Colin Forbes' books - you can try Avalanche Express, or some of those with Tweed in them. Also - try getting some Inspector Morse books (by Colin Dexter).

The Fabric Of Reality (started once but didn't finish, I'm going to get it again).

The inscrutable Americans (Anurag Mathur).

Anything by Rushdie excluding the Moor's last sigh.. (try getting Midnight's Children - plain awesome)
KingKrool said:
That is the MOST retarded book EVER. It is so pathetic... he should stick to weirdo cults and all.... and not talk about physics (Angels and Demons), and computer security (Digital Fortress) where anyone with an advanced undergrad degree or grad degree in the subject can't stop laughing at the stupidity of it all.
I think AkshitMohan took your suggestion seriously in spite of the smiley face.
Lol, I know but parts of it are funny to say the least..
Well, it does have that, but reading 400 pages to find the funny parts is an unfair tradeoff!!

It doesn't matter which algorithm you use! The computer still knows what to do!

What baloney.
Wana read a Action Packed Movie type Book

Try Mathew Railey... total nonsense but still a fantastic read........

Just too imaginative i must say......

Ice Station



Seven Ancient Wonders

etc etc etc
Fountainhead is OK.

It is nice in the parts Ayn Rand isn't being a pompous ass. You see, the ideology she tries to spread in some ways is much more extreme than the protagonist's. The protagonist doesn't hate anyone who disagrees with him, he just refuses to bend himself. Ayn Rand does give the impression she hates anyone who doesn't agree with her.
Yea go for The fountainhead or Atlas shrugged. Too good. Or try Erich Segal's The class. Ruskin bond or Anton Checkhov if u like short stories.
for not too an avid reader, i guess sidney sheldon or jeffrey archer wud be far more enough... ;)

sheldon's "if tomorrow comes"

archer's "the partner" (i dont remember the name exactly.. :( )
If you want a quick book, try Archer's "Not a penny more, not a penny less". Or his short storys - "12 red herrings" and "A quiver full of arrows". Even Shall we tell the president is short and sweet.
shall we tell the president and the prodigal daughter were the worst of archer's books imo

he should stay away from action/suspense genre
^^ Well, yes :P But the worst of archer is still far better than many other :D e.g., I find Ludlum very boring most of the times (sorry Cain0xr :P). Except for Bourne Identity and a couple of others, most of his books seem to be the same boring suff. The Bourne Identity, however, is one of my all time favs :hap2: (Supremacy and Ultimatum are as bad as the identity is good)
Supremacy is still good.....Ultimatum gets really boring....doesnt have any excitement which makes u keep on reading....i took 1 month lol
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