Recommend a book

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i hate it when authors introduce 5 new characters every page...that seems to be a speciality of ludlum

after the 20 pages, i have no idea what's going on
They aren't that bad, the only book of Ludlum i thought below par was the icarus agenda :P

i hate it when authors introduce 5 new characters every page...that seems to be a speciality of ludlum
after the 20 pages, i have no idea what's going on

You are over exaggerating it, I didn't find them to be any more than the standard fiction books I came across :/

And there's always Jack Higgins if Ludlum doesn't float your boat.

I'd recommend Thunderstorm, or the titles which have Sean Dillion in them, I don't remember the titles anymore lol, used to read them when I was in school :P
Fountainhead is ok book. But if this is your first BIG book then dont go for it. Because of the size and small font will easily put you off within few pages. Go for some jeffery archer or likes stuff and then move on.

Google story is non fiction category. There is not much to talk about it, but its a one time, time pass read. Not fascinating stuff.

Stick to book of the kind/genre you like. Coz it will have your interest. You liked 5 point someone na. You can read Da Vinci Code for its plot, but dont read it for its grammar. Its pathetic. Also pick up some jeffery archers or maybe Godfather also.
try chwtan bhgat's-what not to do @ IIT, cos

1) It is not fat

2)You can connect to the characters

3) It is lovely n well written
Hotstuff said:
try chwtan bhgat's-what not to do @ IIT, cos

Thats the byline mate..The name of the book is: Five-Point someone :P
Agree on the other points though..really fun read & highly engrossing!

the best JA book i ever read !

but if you're short on time /patience, go for 12 red herrings
akshitmohan said:
Have already read the Chetan Bhagat book.
Try Snapshots From Hell if you liked Five Point Someone.
bluediamond said:
for not too an avid reader, i guess sidney sheldon or jeffrey archer wud be far more enough... ;)
sheldon's "if tomorrow comes"
archer's "the partner" (i dont remember the name exactly.. :( )
If Tomorrow Comes is a damn circus.
Stay away really. One of the worst books I've ever read.
It's like an 80's Hindi movie hehe...
zhopudey said:
^^ Well, yes :P But the worst of archer is still far better than many other :D e.g., I find Ludlum very boring most of the times (sorry Cain0xr :P). Except for Bourne Identity and a couple of others, most of his books seem to be the same boring suff. The Bourne Identity, however, is one of my all time favs :hap2: (Supremacy and Ultimatum are as bad as the identity is good)
Have you read The Janson Directive and The Ambler Warning? Those are good ones.

Though I agree, Ludlum isn't for everyone. Too action oriented most of the time, wish they had something like video chapters to get over those boring parts :P
Some of my favs are The Hitchhiker trilogy and Dirk Gentley's Holistic Detective Agency (Douglas Adams), 1984 and Animal Farm(George Orwell), Brave New World(Aldous Huxley), LOTR and The Hobbit(Tolkein), The Brothers Karmazov and 'Crime and Punishment'(Dostoevsky), Of Human Bondage, The Painted Veil and Razor's Edge (Somerset Maugham), As I lay dying(William Faulkner), Mrs Dalloway (Virginia Woolf) and The Good Earth(Pearl S Buck). Mind you some of these novels are pretty grim and not an easy read :P.
saumilsingh said:
Try Snapshots From Hell if you liked Five Point Someone.

If Tomorrow Comes is a damn circus.
Stay away really. One of the worst books I've ever read.
It's like an 80's Hindi movie hehe...

Have you read The Janson Directive and The Ambler Warning? Those are good ones.

Though I agree, Ludlum isn't for everyone. Too action oriented most of the time, wish they had something like video chapters to get over those boring parts :P

well, there are many books which i find damn circus kinda ones... i feel it differs on perception... so lets leave it at that.

for me even the One night@call center is too rubbish!
I'm no bookworm but I've been hunting down a few series' for my wife - the one I remember well, because I got them just yesterday, is called "Mysteries of Osiris" by Christian Jacq. You can find the 4 books part of this series here.

EDIT: Just remembered another... the series is "Age of the Five" by Trudi Canavan. The last book in the series released this month but not available in India yet, still trying to find it.
howz da alchemist ?? i ve got it my bag...but havent started readin it..though ive heard its really good..

the book says it may change ur life and all...if u really have some big dream etc true is it ??...cauz like everyone i too have a very...big dream...;)
^^ after reading 60 goddamned pages of that book , i was so ruddy bored that i gave up reading that book and returned it to my friend the very next day
Read "Dreamcatcher" by Stephen King... that is one of the most beautiful books I have ever read. No horror in the classical King sense in it.
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